Chapter 17

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Draco's head rests on Harry's thigh, and he shivers occasionally.

"You doing alright, pet?" Harry asks, stroking his hair. Draco whines, looking up at Harry with those lovely grey eyes.

"I can't do it." He whispers.

"Are you done?" Harry asks, setting his book aside. "Do you want to stop?"

Draco whines again, rubbing his cheek on Harry's leg. His fingers twitch on the bed, but he doesn't otherwise speak.

"You have to use your words, kitty."

" No ." Draco whimpers. "I want to come."

"You will. You see the timer?"

Harry taps the top of the hourglass timer hovering in front of them. Draco nods.

"If you want to come, you wait till the timer runs out." Harry reminds him, and Draco groans, rolling onto his other side.

Harry lets his eyes roam appreciatively over the curve of Draco's waist and his hip. His eyes land on the stretched rim with the vibrating plug nestled between Draco's soft arse cheeks. Harry resists the urge to pet the attached fluffy tail or give it a tug to further tease.

"I thought the whole idea of a pet is to pay attention to them." Draco complains. Harry laughs, putting his book aside.

"You want some attention, kitty?" Harry slides down to lay beside Draco, nudging at his hips until he rolls onto his back. "I'll give you attention. Try to not come."

With that warning, Harry leans over Draco, bending down to lick and suck his nipples.

"Harry-" Draco whimpers, his hands fisting in his own hair. " Harryharryharry... "

The plug is vibrating evenly, but Harry nudges it deeper inside his pet, changing the setting to an almost random pattern. Draco's stomach clenches and he groans, long and loud.

Moving down his torso, Harry sucks and nips at the skin, leaving purplish red marks that would stay for days on Draco's pale skin. Draco sobs when Harry passes over his cock in favor of sucking his bollocks into his mouth gently, one and then the other.

"I can't, Harry, Harry I can't take it- I can't-" Draco wails, his legs kicking beneath Harry as much as they can. "I'm gonna come-"

"No you won't, pet. Not yet." Harry says, pinching the base of his cock.

Harry himself is hard enough to cut diamonds, but watching Draco come undone like this is so much better than wanking too soon.

"It's t-too much-"

"You can say stop anytime." Harry reminds him, and Draco throws his head back and groans.

Harry strokes up the inside of Draco's thigh, making gooseflesh rise. He nudges at the base of the toy settled deep inside Draco's hole, making him cry out again. Harry keeps his palm against the plug, pressing it into that spot that makes Draco completely incoherent.

"So desperate for it, kitty." Harry smiles, whispering against Draco's flushed, burning hot skin. "So noisy with your pretty arse stuffed full for me. I love to watch you like this, absolutely devastated just by something in your arse. You don't even need me to touch your cock for you to come, do you? You're so easy for me, pet."

" Harry -" Draco gasps, his lips the color of wine from all his biting and licking at them.

"Are you going to be good for me, pet? Wait for the timer to finish? Or do we need to be done today and start over tomorrow? Again." Harry says softly.

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