Chapter 13

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Celeste visits Grimmauld's place


"I'm a good pet owner, right?" Harry asks suddenly. Draco looks up from where he's folding the throw blanket and tossing it over the sofa.

"If by 'pet owner,' you mean harbor of fugitives and caretaker of an intelligent animagus, then sure, you're alright." Draco shrugs. Harry rolls his eyes.

"I took great care of you."

"Yeah, you did." He agrees after a moment. "Then again, I took care of myself too, it's not that hard when your pet has human intellect. You pretty much only had to give me food."

"Fair enough. What if we got another pet?" Harry says. "Maybe a dog. Or a cat, we have the cat tower anyway."

Before he's finished his sentence, Draco has mounted his lap and is grumbling in his ear.

" I'm your pet. You don't need another. I don't want any distractions." He hisses, and Harry laughs.

"You don't like the thought of competition?"

Draco purr-growls into Harry's ear, and the sound is strangely arousing. Harry moans lightly in response, Vanishing Draco's clothes, though he protests weakly. Draco hates when his clothes disappear, but Harry's in a hurry. He only leaves the collar on.

He bites at Draco's pale skin, flushed pink in desire.

Grabbing handfuls of his arse, Harry guides Draco's hips to move against his own, grinding down as Harry breathes heavily.

"Open your damn trousers, I'm still prepped from this morning." Draco hisses, and just as Harry moves a hand to comply, a knock at the door breaks the trance.

Harry and Draco look at each other in panic.

" Shit! Celeste!" Harry breathes, scrambling to get them to their feet.

"Answer it, I'll be right back." Draco says, smoothing down Harry's hair and straightening his clothes. "Merlin, you look like you've been shagged."

"Was about to." Harry grumbles, but Draco's shifted down to cat form, and Harry hurries to the door.

"Harry! I've brought drinks!" Celeste says brightly, stepping inside without even needing an invitation. Harry smiled.

"Hi Celeste, good to see you."

She makes a funny face, leaning forward as she peers down the hall.

"Was that Draco?" She asks. Harry balks. Draco was supposed to change back to human in their room, dammit! "Your cat." Celeste clarifies, misreading the look on his face.

"Oh! Yes." He turns to hear the faint patter of paws on the stairs. Their door closes almost silently a second later. "He's a bit wary of people in his house, we don't have a lot of visitors." Harry lies, hoping she'll buy it.

"I see, cats are so skittish sometimes, huh." She agrees easily, and Harry breathes out in quiet relief. "I've missed seeing him though, he was such a funny little thing. Maybe he'll recognize me later."

"Maybe." Harry says vaguely. "Person Draco will be down shortly, he's prinking upstairs." Harry gives her a look of what he hopes is fond exasperation, and she buys it, laughing.

"I knew he must take a long time getting ready."

Harry leads her into the sitting room, where she makes herself comfortable in the large, plush armchair.

"Did you inherit this place? It has sort of an old charm." She says, looking around. "Like the set of a period drama."

"Er, yes, my godfather willed it to me."

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