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Sehgal Mansion

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Sehgal Mansion

Everyone sat in the dining area.. while the staffs were serving dinner...

Mahir sat on the head chair while Vish and Vikrant on his either side..

Shravni sat with Ruhi at a distance not wanting to spoil her father's mood..

Vikrant: pata hai Mahir ajj Shravani ne kitna accha perform kia.. it was like the whole crowd went mad on her performance..

Mahir looked least interested.. he continued to eat his food.. Vish shook her head telling Vikrant to stop..

Shravani sat there staring her plate eating the food silently..

Mahir: I'm done.. good night mm

Saying so he got up... And walked straight to his room...

Shravani completed her food and left for her room after wishing the three goodnight..

Ruhi: Bubs asa kyu karte hai? I really feel bad for di..

She said angrily sliding her plate away.. She's very close to Shravani... After Vish , Shravani is the person who have showered all her love on her ... And from the time she was born she saw her bubs ( Mahir) never talking to her Shravani Di who's his own daughter..

She always used to wonder if her father loves her so much then why her Shravani Di is deprived of her father's love..

But with passing time she just made it a fact that Mahir hates Shravani..

In Shravani's room..

She sat on her study table with a book kept on the table...

The table lamp glowed in front of her face . But she sat there looking at the pink wall.. she was always hurt... But she never voiced it out. Unlike her mom who used to say on face ..

Her trance broke with her phone's ring..

She picked the call absent-minded only to hear the voice which irks the hell out of her..

Mihir: what's my baby doing?

She instantly looked at the phone and cursed under her breath..

Shravani: sky diving.. wanna join?

She asked sarcastically..

Mihir: no you enjoy.. we'll do it together in our honeymoon..

He said making her more angry..

Shrabani: mind your tongue Mihir..

She warned only to hear him laughing..

Mihir: ok ok... Shaant gadha dadi bin shant..

He chuckled while she sat there frowning..

Shravani: you have some work or shall I cut the call?

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