Happy Ending?

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A month later

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A month later.

Hummingbird Hall.

The place was being decorated with only blue and pink lights. While silky curtains fell on the sides flowing with the movement of air. Tables were placed in the whole hall for guests to sit . A single high stage stood in the farthest corner touching the leading stairs. All the equipments were placed neatly.

A piano in the right front, drums on thr left front. Centre left for the lead singer and the guitarist to stand.

Darsh and Ranbir looks at the stage with a satisfied smile when the other member of their group joins them on the stage.

Ranbir: can't believe it's going to be 5 years.

Prachi: 5 years of our band. The Elite crew.

Darsh smiled hearing the name as his mind wonders back to the one who gave it.

Ranbir: where's our lead singer ? The guests have already started arriving.

He asked looking at the bunch of people who were waiting for the show to begin. It was 5 years of their band. The band which was his dream. The dream which she was turning into reality with the help of his very own band members. His friends.. His bestfriend.

In Sehgal Mansion.

Mahir was coming down the stairs ready to leave for the event of the night when his phone rang. Frustrated at being already late for the party, he hastily took out his phone getting inside the car. His family was already there. Just he was left to reach. As soon as he took out the phone and read the contact's name his eyes shone , after a while freaking 3 years and heart started beating at a rapid pace.

The call he has been waiting for since decade had finally came. He didn't wasted a time picking the call as he said the next words with a smile on his face .

Mahir: I'm coming.

And he turned his car to the direction opposite to Hummingbird hall where he was supposed to reach in next 10 minutes.

In the party. The band stood in the stage ready to start the much awaited performance of the eve. They were waiting for their lead singer who was going to sing today.

Ranbir and Prachi looked little impatient while Darsh stood calmly knowing exactly the reason of the delay. He looked at the family sitting in the front table where also his wife , Sanya sat and nodded at them letting them know if was going to be fine.

In the green room. A man entered after knocking and getting a faint come in. He stepped inside to see the beauty wearing a grey gown. Her hairs tied in a lower bun with flicks falling in the either side of her face. Face as simple as a newborn baby with lips only painted in the shade of baby pink. No extra make-up.. no jwellery ... Nothing. Just the ring around her finger.

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