Promise 💍

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They turned shocked as there stood the people whom neither of them wanted to see

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They turned shocked as there stood the people whom neither of them wanted to see ..

Shaan: Tanya?

Tanya: what did you think huh ki tum itne asani se isey leke yaha se bhag jaoge? How can you be so selfish Shaan? It was not just your but our plan... Sirf tum he nahi isme main , aur uncles v the right? Then how can you just decide something all alone and elope from there?

She asked angrily marching towards him when he stepped forward putting Shravani behind him ...

Shaan: I don't care about your bullshit plan... I kidnapped her because I wanted her.. and now when she's ready to be with me main kyun usey taklif me rakhu?

Tanya: you really think she wants to be with you now? All of a sudden?

She asked crossing her arms when he looked back at Shravani who didn't knew what to say.

Tanya: this bitch basically fooled you and you like a fool believed her .. I just hope kuch abhi v bigra na ho...

Shaan looked confused between his own thoughts and Tanya 's words... He knew somewhere she was right.. but he couldn't even avoid the thought that may be Shravani actually meant what she said.

Shaan: Shravani you?

He asked unsure and all her facade was dropped as she started getting anxious...

Tanya: I told you! She's a bitch! Now come on let's take her away before we get caught!

She yelled while he nodded.. there were several mens who came with Tanya .. she along with Shaan held Shravani and started dragging her towards the car...

Shravani: leave me....

She shouted but everything went in deaf ears..... Tanya kicked in her thighs again as she cried out in pain... The door of the car opened they were pushing her inside when they stopped in her tracks hearing the voice.

Voice: stop! Or else I'll shoot!

Shravani couldn't recognise who it was but she thanked whoever it was for atleast stopping them.. they turned back to find Mihir and Shravani 's family along with the police standing there... With the guns aimed on them.

Tanya: fuck!

She cursed as her grip on Shravani loosened.. she looked at her left arm which was free and looked up again at her family who was already looking at her ..she started moving towards them when she was again pulled back by a harsh grip on her left arm.. she looked up to find Shaan still holding her tightly.

Mihir: leave her Shaan!

He warned still standing at a distance from them.

Shaan: Never!

He said determined holding her more tight... She winced feeling his harsh grip and few tears rolled down her cheeks.

Mihir: teri problem mujhse hai na to usey kyu beech me ghasit raha hai?

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