Dreadful Past 💔

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Shravani's POV

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Shravani's POV

Shravani: 20 years back I lost my mother in that accident which turned my life upside down ...
I was leading a happy life with my whole family.. when I wasn't even born everyone shifted from our old Mansion to the new one , THE HAPPY PALACE , the name which was given by my mumma .. We all were living happily together in our HAPPY PALACE .. it was my mumma's dream to live with the whole family.. Kuhu bua, Rocky Bubs, Pratham chachu, Suhani chachi, Yuvi chachu and Juhi chachi and ofcourse Vish Mami and mamu.. I was born exactly after 9 months after we shifted to our new Mansion.. my childhood days were always happy.. with all my cousins around me.. my day used to start with me waking up, spending my whole day with my cousins and my family, in the night I used to have my lone time with mumma and dadda and my night used to end with me sleeping in between them..

I said smiling remembering those days while Sanya was sitting there smiling.. listening to me keenly..

Sanya: fir? What happened next?

Shravani: with the passing days our company was growing in different parts of the country,and different branches were needed to be handled by our family.. hence everyone started leaving our Mansion.. It was Dadu's order for them to leave to different States and cities of the country... As Rocky Bubs , Pratham Chachu and Yuvi chachu had to manage the other branches of Sehgal Industries while my dadda was asked to handle the Mumbai branch...

I said when she nodded placing her hand on mine..

Shravani: Well you must be thinking how I know all of these? I got to know all this by Vish mami who have never hid anything from me..

I said when she nodded blinking her eyes..

Shravani:We were always a happy going family.. but everything started to fall a part when I turned 2.Nanu got diagnosed with Kidney failure.. and it was so badly damaged that he managed to survive for the next 1 year and he left all of us.. as a shock Nani couldn't digest the fact and she suffered an heart attack.

I said as a tear left my eye.. that was the start of problems in my life.. I was too small then to understand all these but now when I look back at my past I can see everything and understand how my life stared parting away from my father who once used to love me more than his life..

Shravani: Mumma was badly shattered as she lost her mom dad.. I was too small that time to understand what was happening around me..
It was just some months after Nanu and Nani's demise, people in my family were just healing over those internal wounds when Dadu Dadi faced a plain crush while returning back from US..

I said as my eyes started to pour.. Sanya pressed my hand in hers ..

But today I wanted to let it out.. which I've been storing inside me.. from a long time..

Shravani: I still remember my words.. that I said the last time to them... To my dadu and dadi..

I said and my mind travelled to those old days..

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