𝐕𝐈 ━━ Captain Barbossa

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THE MERRY CREW CONTENTED THEMSELVES with banalities aboard the boat. Card games, palm plays or futile conversations, there was something for everyone.

But, among this delicious daily life, Asteria was beginning to worry about a new problem.

The Royal Navy.

She was bound to find her and call her to her duties. She knew very well that they were not looking for her for her own existence but much more for her role to be maintained within the royal court.

So far, five days after her escape, no one had come looking for her since Will and Jack. What a relief.

Jack, posed, a boot against a barrel, pondered among the many debts and adventures he could undertake or settle.

It was true that running away the last time was very cowardly, and he wondered day and night who had been behind the helm of the flag.

Nevertheless, his doubts were confirmed. A new attack occurred, in the middle of the night.


All that was heard was the crash of cannons echoing in the dark night. The whole crew woke up scared. Gibbs turned to his roommate, who was not breathing.

He had taken a cannon ball in the head, which challenged the sailor who saw the big gaping hole in the wood of the ship. He climbed quickly, in a panic. Most men froze to death, getting out of bed as fast as they could.

Will popped up, and moved in all directions to make himself useful. He had to do something. He saw Asteria climb up the mizzenmast. Poorly covered, the latter gritted her teeth, but went on a reconnaissance.

Through her spyglass, she perceived the identity of the ship. And it all made sense in her head.

You see, it's the Cobra. One of the most powerful ships in the ocean. Controlled by Captain Barbossa, it sails and is all the rage wherever it goes. He is recognizable by his attacks, always throwing powder where it should not, had expressed the Governor to Asteria, returning from a trip one day ago.

Asteria couldn't help but open her mouth, surprised, and insightful. She couldn't wait to reveal her find to the crew, and to confront the terrible pirate her father was praising.

"Cobra! It's the Cobra!" She cried so loud you could hear her despite her height. My friends, we are facing Captain Barbossa.

Jack heard her words and froze in place, even more than the freezing cold outside. He hadn't expected to see him so soon.

"Then let's beat him!" Marty yelled loudly, despite his small size.

A movement of howls followed in chorus, bringing solidarity and fraternity.

Jack brought the boat near Barbossa with trembling hands.

He knew he was not trying to harm, but rather to attract attention. He liked negotiations. The discussions.

With the ships within foot shot, the crew of the Cobra infiltrated among the Black Pearl.

Captain Barbossa arrived, flamboyant as terrifying. Tall, he was imposing; he looked dark. His big hat made him look like a scarecrow. Barbossa had long light brown hair and a beard of the same color.

Most of the time he had a sky-blue bandana tied around his head. He was dressed in a white shirt, brown jacket and black coat and wore black pants and black boots.
He also had a yellow scarf at the waist and belts. He was dangerously armed with a saber and pistols.

Barbossa was, above all, attracted by what was rare or what had great values. Captain, he enforced firm but fair discipline on his ships.

He said he had honor, which he indeed had, but the way he applied the code contradicted this honor: he only applied it when it suited him. The importance of his image for him was also confusing: he wore nice clothes, which highlighted him or gave him importance, but his mimicry, his few spits, and his lifestyle gave a completely different impression.

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