𝐈𝐈 ━━ Asteria

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As Asteria laid soundly asleep, the world outside her bedroom began to stir. The morning light gently crept in, casting a soft golden glow across the room. The air was thick with the scent of freshly polished wood, and the distant clatter of silverware being prepared for breakfast could be heard from afar. The Governor himself had arrived, as he often did, for an early visit, his polite yet perfunctory knock echoing through the hallways. 

Maids bustled in, their arms laden with linens and toiletries, expertly navigating the cramped quarters with practiced ease.

The young woman stirred, her mind still caught in a hazy half-dream. The world around her seemed disorienting, as though she were floating in some twisted, topsy-turvy world that was equal parts enchanting and unsettling. As she opened her eyes, the dancers and performers that had haunted her dreams dissipated, replaced by the familiar surroundings of her room. 

Agnes, one of the more unobtrusive members of the household staff, approached Asteria's bedside. Her gentle smile put the young woman at ease as she inquired, "Good morning, miss. Did you sleep well?"

Asteria returned the expression, grateful for the maid's presence. "I did, but I had a strange dream," She retorted, her voice still groggy.

The maid saw the troubled look in Asteria's eyes and knew something was bothering her. Agnes had been with Asteria since she was a baby, and she knew her better than anyone. She sat down on the bed and placed a comforting hand on Asteria's shoulder.

"I had a strange dream once, too. I dreamt that I was a millionaire and didn't have to work for a living. Can you believe it?" Agnes spoofed with a smirk.

"A millionaire? How quaint, Agnes," Asteria mimicked with a roll of her eyes. "I dream of being a trillionaire and owning my own planet. But I suppose we all have our little fantasies."

The two women grinned together.

"Oh, my apologies, Miss Asteria, I didn't realize you were aiming so low. I suppose owning just one planet wouldn't quite satisfy your astronomical ambitions."

"I always knew you had a great sense of humor, Agnes. It's just very well hidden."

Agnes chuckled at Asteria's comment, shaking her head in amusement. "You know me too well, miss," she asserted with a sly grin. "I have to keep my razor-sharp wit under wraps, or I might just outshine you." She winked at Asteria, enjoying the banter between them and clearly relishing the opportunity to poke fun at her employer. Asteria gasped and giggled, as she forgot the smoggy nightmares that had devoured her sleep.

The maid's careful attention returned to the sheets, the detail was evident in the crisp folds and delicate trims of the bedding, a testament to the level of care and precision that permeated every aspect of life in the governor's mansion. 

Asteria sat up in bed, her eyes scanning the room. "What time is it, Agnes?" she pondered, her mind already racing with thoughts of the day ahead. 

"It's just past nine, miss. You have plenty of time to get ready for breakfast," Agnes replied, her voice reassuring. 

As the  young woman began to get dressed, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Today was the day of the grand ceremony, where Commodore James Norrington would be rewarded for his bravery and service to the nation.

"The dressmaker has already arrived to start preparing your gown," Agnes informed her.

"Thank you, I'll be there in a minute."

She felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, but she was determined to fulfill her duties as the governor's daughter with courage and grace, just as her mother had taught her.

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