Chapter 1 - Kari's POV

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Chapter 1

If only the world knew what my job was...

It's true, I'm the fandom killer. I was chosen by the Dark Ones to kill all fandoms across the world so probably many of the fictional characters you seem to love the most will die.

It's my mission to kill all fandoms.

You see, once upon a time I used to fan-girl all the time and have my heart set upon the fact I was going to marry them. However, one by one they all ended up living in that happy land and it hurt. It made my heart twist and made me into who I am now, since I became a fandom killer I have to kill all fandoms especially starting with the ones who broke my heart...

I did it.

I actually killed a lot of the fandoms who broke my heart, they made me waste a lot of money on ice cream and they certainly wasted my time being depressed. Call me cruel or whatever but isn't that just life? My dark blue eyes would stare at them with an icy expression whilst they cowered in the corner. I would pull out my gun slowly and give my wild, black and curly hair a big shake. My appearance was something to be proud of, every time I went out to kill a fandom I'd wear my black elbow length leather gloves, black shirt which says Fandom Killer at the back, silver bracelets, black bandana with white skulls on them, and of course not to mention my black leather knee length boots. What did I do with my face and what do I look like? I wear black mascara and keep everything else natural, I have red streaks in my hair to make me look even hotter. I have a toned body due to all the training I received in the past six years of my life. These fandoms would just stare at me and I'd just pull the trigger without even hesitating. The fandoms who tried to fight me would just die quicker and even after 2 years they haven't figured out who the fandom killer is. Tabloids are filled with rubbish about fandoms being killed by a mysterious man who is ultimately jealous of these people. Well sure, but it's six girls and six guys doing the fandom killing and not just one. Often we go in twos or threes to go killing the fandom but we have one person who does the killing.

The main guy Gabriel Logan has elected me as the main shooter because:

a) He likes me

b) I'm the one who shoots without hesitation

c) I'm the best shooter because I am the best at aiming

So basically I'm the shooter and I go on ALL missions. Gabe is the one who does the least missions as he's the one who locates the celebrity and then we have earpieces in our ears where he tells us the location of him. As a present, Gabe gave me a red one with black stripes on it because it tells the others I'm the shooter. Often Gabe has Deanna Larson to help him, but Deanna is the one who manages our fake IDs and our fake jobs, she basically manages everything for all twelve of us so there are no suspicions of us. So for six years we have remained undercover and let me tell you a bit about our group.

I'm the youngest fandom killer to be known as I started at the age of 14 (well done I'm now 20!). Cody is 21 and Marcia, Marilyn, Elias and Ralph are all 22. Louis, Raymond, Tammy and Mildred are all 23 which leave Gabriel and Deanna who are both 24. Marcia and Marilyn are so much like twins, but they are the most helpful. Marcia and Marilyn are the spies of the group, they briefly snoop around the location before we go and break down the doors because what's the fun of smashing a door down then suddenly get caught by security? So in most missions we have to have either Marcia or Marilyn, but we leave them to fight over who goes. Elias, Tammy and Louis are the ones who distract the people if we're in trouble. They are our fastest runners because they're trained to run extremely fast especially when in danger. They often stir up trouble when we need them as a distraction and that's how I reach the fandom.

So that leaves us with Cody and Mildred who both have different jobs. Cody is my bodyguard as he is trained with a gun but he's best on guard so he's always on missions with me. Cody isn't really trained to be a bodyguard but he's the protector (Gabe assigned him to protect me) and so he often keeps watch for security when I shoot celebrities. Lastly, we have Mildred and she's basically the nurse but she's extremely helpful for looking up information. Gabriel and Deanna are also our trainers as well as our leaders but they also rely on Mildred who also does all the technology! She makes sure our guns work and any gadgets she's created or has working she makes sure everything works.

"Calling for Kari, calling for KARI LYONS!"

"Yes sir!"

I jogged to Gabriel's room where he was there waiting for me. In the room there was Cody and Marilyn as well as Louis.

"Fandom killing mission awaits for you tomorrow. I want you up at 8.30am sharp and if you aren't down I will make sure you are punished, are we clear?" he said.

We nodded and he gives us a big smile. Just as we leave, Gabriel hands me some clothes, "I don't need you looking like some bad girl, wear some nice looking clothes when you hang around in town on mission."

I nod at him and he pats me on the back just as I decide to leave. I walk outside to see Tammy and Cody waiting for me with smiles on their faces.

"You get to dress up like a girl for once!" Tammy exclaimed happily.

It's not often I wear my non-fandom killing clothes because usually I have to stay undercover, however it looks like we're travelling somewhere quite public so I'll have to look somewhat decent and that requires for my hair to look less wild! I looked at Tammy with a pleading look in my eyes and she grins at me.

"I'm here to help! To fix that wild mass of curls and I'll cut your hair to shoulder length, redo the red streaks in your lovely hair and help with the clothing and makeup!"

Tammy is probably the closest female friend in the team and Cody is the closest male friend in the team. Cody laughed at my expression but I reluctantly agreed. Shame I spent so much time growing my hair so I looked unapproachable! Firstly Tammy dragged me over to the seat in her room and ordered Cody to hold a rubbish bag under where she'll snip my hair. She then covered the mirror and began snipping huge chunks of my hair. I felt layers getting removed and a lot of weight removed from my head, I heard Cody gasp and Tammy laughing lightly. I suddenly felt a liquid substance being rubbed into where my streaks were and I smiled. Finally after a few hours later, Tammy pulled off the cover on the mirror and I gasped. I looked different with shoulder length hair which was wavy and I had red streaks in my hair. I looked somewhat pretty but also mysterious as well. I hugged Tammy tightly and dragged Cody downstairs to get food with me whilst Tammy cleared up.

"Subway?" I yelled to her.

"THE USUAL!" she yelled back.

I quickly placed my small pistol into the depths on my black leather jacket and walked out of the building in jeans, red top and black leather jackets also with white trainers on. I looked normal and with Cody looking normal in a t-shirt and jeans we headed out. When we arrived I ordered the usual and then quickly headed back home. Of course, Tammy was eager for food so she stuffed her face with the Subway and that made me laugh loudly. As soon as the clock said 10pm I headed upstairs and went to bed. I set my alarm for 8am so I could get ready to roll and kill whoever I was meant to assassinate. I aim to kill them with some awesome new gun techniques so Mr/Miss/Mrs Fandom Character: you are so gonna die.


Sorry if this chapter seems a little bit boring, I am setting the scene. Please read on to chapter 2 for some action! Please comment, vote and follow me!


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