Chapter 3 - Kari's POV

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Chapter 3

I woke up and found Tammy sitting at the end of my bed looking worried.

"OMG! You're awake!" she cried.

I nodded at her and she was grinning brightly.

"I was so worried!" she continued. "I was going to call an ambulance soon if you didn't wake up!"

I rolled my eyes at Tammy's exaggeration. I climbed out of bed and groaned in pain because of my aching limbs. Tammy ran over to me worriedly and helped me walk downstairs, but as soon as I got there Gabe came rushing and held me in his arms.

"Kari! You didn't die!" he cried.

I mentally rolled my eyes at him. Yeah I'm obviously not dead! And if you are laughing me then please be warned I will shoot you with my pistol that is safely tucked in my pocket. I always carry one around me because you can never be off guard with people around you.

"Gabriel, you are crushing her," scolded Deanna.

Deanna looks like a model but a really snobbish looking type model. However she is the complete opposite and happens to be Gabe's girlfriend. They are absolutely inseparable, but we don't mind because they are so perfect! Deanna has the blonde hair everyone dies for and it's not the fake white blonde stuff Marcia has but the perfect blonde. She's got crystal blue eyes which always sparkle and she always has a smile on her face. You'd think she got her teeth done but no, she's got perfect white teeth which have never been whitened. She's tall and has a model look around her but she's a killer. A fandom killer to be exact. Gabe let go of me and we all sat down round the big table which had a lot of pancakes in the middle. We all quickly grabbed as many pancakes as we could and covered it in golden syrup; if you think that's disgusting then you are definitely never going to be my friend!

"Okay guys, breaking news of a new fandom to kill!" announced Gabe.

Cheers broke out from the table especially from me. I'm the enthusiastic shooter!

"But, Kari you are injured," protested Marilyn giving Gabe a sickly sweet smile. "Perhaps I should go instead?"

Gabe narrowed his eyes at her and she prompted shrunk in her seat. Marcia and Marilyn are desperate and you don't want to know who they chase in most of our missions. Yep, you got it, they chase after the fandom we want to kill or their friends but because of the oath they have to let us kill the fandom. Diddums.

"Kari, are you okay to go?" asked Gabe concerned.

"Sure," I replied. "I'll just go to Mildred and she'll heal me quickly with her magic medicine."

A look of relief passed over Gabe but then he gave me a stern look.

"Cody is going with you," he said. "I'm not having you nearly die on us again because if we lose you little sis, then I think I would end up killing the whole world."

We all laughed except Marilyn and Marcia who were both sulking. Typical idiots, why did Gabe hire them?

"Our world would be destructed," agreed Raymond. "I wouldn't disappear, sweetie."

"I agree with Raymond!" said Ralph.

Ralph is usually silent which is why Deanna can work well with him. She usually can only work with Gabe but when Ralph came along they both worked well and are now best friends. We are all best friends but some of us are closer to each other than others.

"Also, Kari I want you to meet someone," said Gabe. "He's new to the team and a potential new shooter."

I gaped at him and he smiled at me sadly.

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