Chapter 4: Arts And Crafts Part 1

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My eyes peaked open as they were immediately shut closed. The morning sun shined down onto me from the
window leaving behind a trail of warmth and comfort.

I waited a couple minutes for my eyes adjust then hopped out of bed and hurried to the kitchen.

"Ophelia is taking too long!" Solace cried, putting on her light up sneakers.

"Oh Look who it is." My mom glanced up at me with a smile. "There is eggs and bacon on the counter"

I nodded and grabbed a plate.

Solace stood in front of me and rolled her eyes.

"Do you even know what day it is!?"


"No!" She yelled. "It's my birthday!"

My eyes widened as I quickly looked up at my mom who had a "Are you serious right now?" Look.

"I was just joking around!" I laughed, taking a bite of Bacon.

"There's gonna be a party later today. Solace invited a few friends from school."

"You already made friends?" I raised my eyebrow at Solace who shrugged with a smirk.

"And You haven't?" She snickered.

I stayed quiet in defeat and continued eating.

Solaces smile dropped. "Mom I told you I wanted to get a Chocolate Cake with Chocolate roses!"

"And we'll get that." She said putting on her coat. "Are you gonna come Ophelia?"

"I think I'll stay here." I said with a half smile, holding up my fork covered in eggs.

My mom nodded before shutting the door behind her and solace.
After a while My father came stumbling out of his room with a sigh.

He reached into the fridge and pulled out a Jug of milk. "Good morning Ophelia."

"Good morning."

"Not that Talktive today again, ay?"

"Why did we have to come here?"

"Ophelia," He Grumbled. "We came here because of my new Job opportunity. We came here because of our family."

"I know." I said, standing up from my seat and dropping my plate in the sink.

"If you know then why must you complain! Haven't you already met new friends?"

I stayed quiet as I ran the sponge across the plate under the hot water.

"Ophelia," He said with a sigh. "I-"

Suddenly his face flashed with mixed emotions as he poured the milk into his coffee cup.
"I'll see you Tonight."

I raised my eyes slightly as he closed the door behind him.

I really hated whenever he acted like this. It felt like he didn't really understand how I was feeling. Family this, family that. But it always revolved around him.
I pushed myself into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

I pulled aside the curtains and glanced out of the window, as my moms car pulled back into the driveway. Solace jumped out and began unloading all of the boxes and balloons.
I hurried downstairs, threw on a pair of black converse sneakers and hurried outside to help unload.
My mom stood at the gate with a smile, gesturing Solace to be careful.

The balloons were all different colors and shapes.

"I say we put the blue ones in front!" Solace said, quickly tying the balloons on the mailbox post.

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