chapter thirty-four

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"He looked at her the way she needed to be looked at, like the entire world could crumble and he wouldn't even blink

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"He looked at her the way she needed to be looked at, like the entire world could crumble and he wouldn't even blink."

- Atticus

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It's my only line of thinking as I head straight to the Stone's bar, eager to stop overreacting about what just happened. It's all going to be fine. 

Damien probably said that he loves me out of fear, right? Scared to leave without saying what I wanted to hear all this time. Or does he think he won't be coming back?

Fuck, my heart breaks either way. 

I grab the first bottle I see, a whiskey I have never heard of, and pour myself a shot while catching a deep breath. 

"It's nerve-wracking, isn't it?" Somebody says from behind my back and I freeze in the exact moment, even though I'm doing a simple thing as taking a drink when I actually live here. But I know it's remnants of what Tom did to me, I'm always thinking I've done something wrong.

I can't tell who the voice belongs to, still recognizing it from somewhere and when I turn around, I let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding. 

Victoria, Damien's mom, is seated next to the high-ceiling windows, a similar glass of whiskey in her hands and a fancy bottle in her front. She smiles at me when realizing I'm confused and signs for a seat in front of her, on the twin white enormous sofa. 

Yeah, one shot won't definitely be enough. 

I serve myself two more before I do what she says. My heart is in my throat.

"What's happening out there?" The words leave my lips before I even realize, the curiosity taking the best of me, but all she does is take another sip, not seeming bothered that I asked. Now, that we are up close I can see that her hair is up in a messy bun and there isn't a single touch of makeup on her face, unusual for the few times I saw her.

It seems like she is tired. Rebellious at most.

"The entire house is on 'panic' procedure, Adelina. No one can enter," It's just when she says that I realize it's really just the two of us in this whole space. The silence is deadly. My heartbeat is frantic against my chest and she rolls her eyes before adding, "and we can't leave until Grayson himself says everything is controlled, whatever the problem is this time. Welcome to the sexism of the Stone family."

Ah, that's probably why she isn't wearing any fancy clothes. The only rebellious act she can perform. Victoria Stone is tired and I begin to understand what's she feeling.

"Grayson doesn't let you help?" She shakes her head, I continue. "He doesn't even let you know what's happening?" When she shakes her head slightly again, I roll my eyes. 


"My son isn't much different after all. Like father, like son." I snort at her attestation.

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