chapter thirty-eight

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"She should have predicted he would be the one to break her heart"

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"She should have predicted he would be the one to break her heart"

- Atticus

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I DRINK MY THIRD SHOT OF VODKA, the bitterness of it leaving a trail of flames on my throat behind, and I hold myself from pouring into another one.

The bottle looks at me and I look at it while electronic music makes the entire house shake, but it's a bad idea. I'm drinking to forget, yet I don't want to get wasted. Not when I need to look out if Kayla and Chadwick are coming my way, so I can get the hell away from them.

The second I turn around, I see them coming in my direction from the hallway, hand in hand, looking around probably for me and that's my cue for the fourth shot.

I don't want to talk about Damien.

He is nowhere at this party, typical and I curse myself for thinking about him. I will drink for him as well.

I pour the vodka down and gulp it in one move, letting the alcohol work through my system as I head straight to the living room, where lots of people are dancing nonstop, bodies together. The perfect place for some freedom.


I leave before Kayla can even see me, asking questions I'm not ready to answer, and find my way into the dance floor, a Latin song blasting from the speakers being enough for my entire body to move.

I let loose, like I haven't done in a long time, and shake my hips according to the rhythm. I don't listen to my thoughts; I don't listen to anything and just feel the electric song running through my bones, my roots calling to me.

The alcohol is finally setting in, running on my veins and pushing me forward.

"Adelina?" Somebody calls me from behind and the minute I turn around, the smile I had on my face fades. Kayla is in front of me, her eyes flickering with worries and when she realizes it's me, she lets out a deep breath and takes me in for a hug.

I immediately feel bad for doing this to her.

My heart is pounding in my chest, just like the music making the entire house vibrate and I'm frozen in place as I realize how bad of a best friend I'm being right now. I thought only about myself.

"I was so worried. I thought something happened to you!" She needs to scream so I can hear her, and when we part away, she slaps my arm in a playful but harmful way and I roll my eyes before mouthing 'I'm sorry' and shrugging my shoulders.

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