chapter twenty-seven

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"She didn't want him in bits and pieces, she wanted him all, good and bad, every last atom

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"She didn't want him in bits and pieces, she wanted him all, good and bad, every last atom."

- Atticus (changed)

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I let out breathless as the girl in front of me circles the training mat, her high ponytail like mine shifting from one side to the other, but all I hear is a loud laugh escaping her lips.

After class, Damien's sister and I came back straight to the house and we've been fighting for over an hour now, and yet she's ready to charge in my direction again.

At least it's an efficient distraction from reality and a way to improve the skills I've been training with the bad boy. He was nowhere to be seen after the little show we put up in the hallway and honestly, even though I can't take my mind away from him, I have too much pride to ask him to train with me.

"Focus, Adelina, or else you will never win." Her words take me back to the real world in the same minute and luckily, she spares me a few minutes before sprinting down straight at me.

All I can think now is how to attack Kayla and I do just that. She throws a strong fist at my face but I dodge it by millimeters, taking advantage of her sudden movement to pass under her right arm and twist it in her back.

She groans in pain and I let out a victory smile, that's exactly where my mistake is.

Damien's sister hits me from the back with her head and now it's my turn to curse underneath my breath. Stings shoot through my nose and the way I bite my lips draws blood.

Kayla doesn't give me time, treating this like a real fight just like I asked her to, and turns around, charging at me straight at my stomach.

All I have time to do is close my eyes before the impact of the mat comes and her weight is thrown on top of me.

A smug smile is written across her lips as she leans on me but one thing I've learned is that cockiness makes you lose.

My next move catches her off guard and that's exactly my intention. I grab her neck from the back with my right arm and bring it next to my face, locking my legs around her waist. A startled shriek leaves her mouth but, I spare her no time and twist our bodies so my left leg is now pressing her throat to the floor, giving her no space to breathe.

I'm sweating and Kayla is struggling with my tight grip but I don't let go, not until she slams the mat, signing for me to stop. This position was one that I had to master so Damien couldn't take advantage of his height and bring me to the floor in a matter of minutes.

After a few seconds, she finally gives up, and when I lose the grasp around her throat, she gasps deeply for air. I do the same, adrenaline rushing through my entire body and now, I let myself smile for beating Kayla Stone.

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