chapter seventeen

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"The hardest step she took was to blindly trust in who she was and who she could be"

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"The hardest step she took was to blindly trust in who she was and who she could be"

- Atticus

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Damien's text is all it takes for me to take a deep breath, quickly getting up from my bed. 

My heart is beating faster against my chest, the stinging burn from earlier still present. Luckily, my aunt managed to pick Sammy up and take him to her house, and my little brother was so excited to spend the day with her.

As I look myself in the mirror, my dark brown wavy hair falling in cascades on my back, I try to focus on anything else but the horrible burn on my wrist.

This is all I managed to put up today.

I'm wearing a dark grey Nike sweatshirt that covers it and high-waisted mom jeans that have ripped knees, my air Jordan 1 complementing the look. Despite the heavy thoughts that are circling my mind, I can't help but smile faithfully at my reflection, remembering the shopping day with Kayla.

She has no idea how much it helped me.

Going. I quickly text him back as I take one last glance at myself, before finally heading outside. My steps echo through the silent and empty house, my breath normal to the fact that my dad is out. I have no idea what I would do if he was on the sofa.

The freezing air of autumn hits my face the minute I step out of my warm home and I feel my cheeks turn red. I quickly lock the door, scared of what Tom can do if he knew that I came home and the minute I turn around, I meet Damien's typical smirk.

The boy in front of me is rested against his frosted black motorcycle, his dark blonde hair combed back, and hypnotizing hazel eyes flicker with malice as I get closer to him. The bad boy is wearing the signature black leather jacket, same color jeans, and a white t-shirt underneath.

In his hands are two helmets, one black and another one deep blue, and I widen my eyes at them, my heart going frantic to the thought of riding with him. I thought he was going to pick me up with his convertible, not with a damn motorcycle.

"We didn't agree to this, Damien." He throws his head back in a deep laugh and all I do is get closer, still speechless to this whole thing.

"You are going to love it," he states while handing me the black helmet, it's heavy on my arms but just close to it that I see delicate white flowers covering the whole thing. It's absolutely gorgeous, "I promise."

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