the end

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wow, so many emotions at once that will be hard to write down them all but here we go.

I want to start thanking you, yes, you that are reading this right now because truly all my work is for you. The reader is the most important part; it's your support that makes us continue, it's your love that keep us going even when we don't want to write anymore because we have a compromise with you. To honor you in all aspects of our work and I'm so so grateful to have the opportunity of having you with me in this incredible and long journey that was Becoming Bad.

Thank you all for the support and for showing up even when I myself forgot to. All your messages, this huge amount of reads, it's surreal how many people like what I write and enjoy the story I have built over these past four years.

This story became part of life, it accompanied the bad, the good parts, I could express myself through it and to finish Adelina's and Damien's story surrounded with love is more than my inner child could ever dream of.

When the idea came to my mind, I was terrified but incredibly excited to write it. It was a bit more mature than my first work, Midnight, more complex, more intense, I had never written over 1500 words per chapter before but when I started planning it, I couldn't stop. I had to tell Adelina's story, it was groaning inside me in a way I couldn't control and I'm so glad I did.

It's a story about love, pain and how we don't see what someone else is really going through, what they have to face in their lives that no one else knows. It's the reason why we should always be kind, always have a smile on our face and a hand to help others. And on top of that, we should always be brave, standing up for ourselves because no one else can do it for us.

It's a message that really speaks to me and I hope it spoke to you.

In the near future I plan on publishing the story on Kindle, with more scenes that I didn't get to write, develop the characters even more and change the high school scenery to a university one, would you read it?

it's a way of stating to monetize my work and take it seriously, because one thing I can't stop thinking about is what I will write next. So many new stories I want to put out in this big world.

I finish this note with tears in my eyes, leaving a part of me forever behind with this story but cycles are meant to close. A part of me is excited to see where I will go next.

Lots of love, a warm hug and thank you again for reading Adelina's and Damien's story. It couldn't have been written without you.

the end.


9:35 pm

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