chapter thirty-five

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"He painted over her scars with every color he could find until she lost them in the setting sun

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"He painted over her scars with every color he could find until she lost them in the setting sun."

- Atticus

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EXCITEMENT RUSHES THROUGH MY VEINS as I look at the mirror one more time before going downstairs.

I chose a mini black skirt, highlighting my toned legs after all the training I faced, and a black cropped tank top, leaving not much for the imagination since it glues like a second skin. Because of the cold, my black leather jacket and my heeled combat boots are the ones. I've worn them so much but I can't help it.

A red lip and black-winged eyeliner complement the look and I let my waves cascade down my back, only tying the front pieces back.

I look hot like I can do anything, but I can't shake away the butterflies I feel in my stomach. My anxiety is so high that I didn't even need one hour to get dressed. In thirty minutes I was ready.

I try to calm down while fidgeting with my fingers, telling myself Damien and I have been together thousands of times and there wasn't anything to worry about, but there is.

We would talk about what he whispered to me. What we felt for each other.

Just by thinking about it, I feel sick and gather a deep breath not to run to the bathroom.

Everything will turn out great.

With that in my mind, I grab my black purse and head straight to where the bad boy told me to wait but as soon as I pass in front of Kayla's door, I feel the need to stop by and see how is she doing. To know what happened with her father.

I only knock once but I hear her footsteps running and when the girl that became my best friend opens the door for me, I know by her face that everything went well.

She can't hold back a grin, happy tears streaming down her hazel eyes, and I take her in a warm hug, getting excited for her. I understand her brother's position, but if she's happy, so am I and that's the reason I smile widely at her, despite still feeling a pile of nerves.

"I'm so happy for you, Kay." It's the first time I call her that, a nickname completely slipping off my mouth and when she opens an even bigger smile, it's my cue to use it.

"Thanks for being with me, Lina. You became my best friend and I'm so blessed with it." Now, it's my turn to almost start crying at her words, the conversation becoming more emotional than I planned, but I don't let the tears fall, looking up to the ceiling before taking my attention back to the girl in my front.

I clean the stubborn tears that stayed on my eyelids, smiling like an idiot, and she rubs my arm, a sight of true happiness written all over her face. Being the empathic person who I am, it feels insanely good to see someone who you care about in peace.

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