chapter twenty-nine

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"That was her gift

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"That was her gift. She filled people with the words they didn't know were there."

- Atticus

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IT'S FRIDAY ALL OVER AGAIN and I do not know what I'm doing with my life.

All I do is drink, thanks to the Stone's bar that is always full, and study for no perspective in life.

Since Sammy is spending more and more time with our aunt, my job as the big sister is practically gone, I'm still in a fucked up situation with Bella, and Eric is not answering my calls. Reason? I have no clue.

And to add to all of that, what happened with Damien on Monday dawn changed everything. I felt good that night, our conversation after both of us freaked out made my heart warm but during these last days, he seems more distant than ever. I thought it would be the opposite, that it would make us even closer but perhaps, he was just drunk.

I let out a frustrated sigh, feeling tears reach the corner of my eyes as I finally stop to think about our situation while looking to the ceiling.

I still haven't said a thing that I'm starting to fall for him and now I don't think I ever will. With the bad boy, I take one step further and two steps back. It's frustrating and I feel dumb as hell for letting that happen.

Fuck, I knew my heart wouldn't make it.


Kayla's voice fills the room as she opens a crack from the closed door, catching me off guard and I quickly clean the stubborn tears that dared to fall, not wanting to let her see what's going on.

She has no idea what happened between me and her brother and I plan to keep it that way.

"C'mon in, Kayla!" My voice is steadier, trying to reflect some enthusiasm since there will be probably a party and when I see a smirk on her lips, I know it's exactly what she came to tell me.

Her honey-blonde hair is up in a messy bun and her eyes are flickering with excitement. She is wearing a turtleneck dark green dress that stops on the middle of her tights, marking her curves; black tall ankle boots complement the look.

"You up to go buy costumes?"

Wait, is it Halloween, already?

The minute she asks me that, I can't help but smile. I've always loved this time of the year.

"Fuck, today is thirty-first?" She nods and my eyes widen. Time is flying by and it slipped off my mind with everything that has happened.

"Halloween party tonight, babe!" I push all the bad thoughts aside and get in the mood, now feeling butterflies in my stomach for today. Stone's parties are known across the two schools, making everyone speechless and crazy.

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