S3 Episode 13: Decepticon Air

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"I want to commend you both on building this space bridge in record time.", Optimus praised. "When is it operational? I would really like to see my brothers again.", Jetstar said, while hopping on the tips on her peds.

"We would already be operational if someone had bothered to recalibrate the transwarp field frequenters!", Professor Sumdac said, accusingly. "We wouldn't have to recalibrate if someone could just accept the fact that his calculations for the transwarp sequence were wrong!", Bulkhead yelled back.

"Well, if two someones had let me help as I offered, we could have gotten it right the first time!", Sari yelled out, tired of their bickering. "Uh... No offense, Sari. But, I don't think there is much you can help with without your key.", Bulkhead said.

"Even if you had it, you don't have a background in Astrophysics and quantum electrodynamics.", Professor Sumdac agreed. "Yeah, even I didn't pick up my space bridge savvy overnight.", Bulkhead pointed out.

"Well, let's put that savvy to work. It's only a matter of time till Megatron gains control over Omega Supreme and stops transwarping randomly around space. We need to find them before that happens.", Optimus pointed out. "Plus, I really want to see my brothers. They still think I'm offline. I can't wait to see their faces when they see I'm not... Well, offline.", Jetstar said.

Optimus chuckles a little bit at the young Autobot's antics. "Yeah, I would like to see that, too.", Optimus said.

"Fine! I'll just recalibrate the field sequencers myself.", Professor Sumdac said, while eyeing Bulkhead. "Not before I do the calculations myself.", Bulkhead said.

"You don't think I can that I can not isolate a transwarp frequency barrier!", Professor Sumdac yelled out. "I'm just saying you don't have the same experience as me.", Bulkhead explained.

"I've done it before!", Professor Sumdac reminded. "Yeah! For Megatron!", Bulkhead said.

"Now that was uncalled for.", Professor Sumdac said back. Jetstar looked away from the two and over to Sari.

"What you doing?", Jetstar asked, before going over. "I think I know how to help.", Sari said, while not looking away.

"There, guys! I fixed it!", Sari called out. But, the two were still arguing.

"Will you two knock it off for two Astro clicks?!", Jetstar yelled out, causing everyone to look over. "Now that I have your attention.", Sari said, before turning on the space bridge.

"Sari, how did you know what to do?", Optimus asked. "I don't know. I just kind of did.", Sari replied.

Jetstar leans down and gives her a high five. "Nice going.", Jetstar said.

Elsewhere in space... "It's a very simple question. Even something your limited circuit should be able to compute.", Sentinel said, while interrogating the prisoners.

"Where are the Decepticon cells that attacked the space bridges?! I want names! I want locations!", Sentinel yelled out. Lugnut started struggling, causing Sentinel to back away.

"Got something to say, Lug head?", Sentinel smirked, before using some sort of key to take the gag off Lugnut. "Tell these Autobot scum nothing! Megatron can't be stopped! Megatron is everywhere!", Lugnut yelled out.

Sentinel then put the gag back on. "Dig it, SP. Big wigs on the home tuff for you.", Jazz said through the comlink.

As Sentinel walked back to the bridge, he looked over at the twins, who quickly turned away from him. 'They still blame me for Jetstar's death. It wasn't my fault! It was Optimus's and that group of malfunctions. It's because of them she's dead...', Sentinel thought, while trying to justify himself.

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