S1 Episode 7: Thrill of the Hunt

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"It's primitive! It's barbaric! There auda be a law against it!", Ratchet yelled, as he looked in the window of a store. "It's just a auto supply store, Ratchet.", Optimus said, as he tried to calm Ratchet down.

"It's a place where humans buy equipment for their cars.", Serenity said, as she walked over to them. "You mean they sell spare parts on the open market? What kind of malfunction would be crass enough to buy this stuff?", Ratchet asked.

At that moment Bumblebee drove out of the store. "Hey, guys! Check out my new horn.", Bumblebee said.

He then transformed after his little demonstration. "What do you think, Princess? This place has the greatest stuff. Fuzzy cube thingies, female human replica, and I don't even know what this is.", Bumblebee said, as he held up an air freshener.

But, that was cut short as Ratchet hit Bumblebee on the head. "Knock it off, kid! We're heading home, now!", Ratchet shouted out.

"Take it easy, Ratchet! he's just having some fun.", Serenity said, as she moved closer to Ratchet. "Yeah, what crawled up your tailpipe? The night is still young, unlike some bots I know.", Bumblebee added.

"I'd never thought I'd hear myself say this. But, Bumblebee is right. You need to get out more, Ratchet.", Optimus said. "You do seem a little on the edge tonight. Anything bothering you?", Serenity asked, while putting a comforting hand on Ratchet's shoulder.

"Just got a funny feeling, that's all. Old war wounds acting up again, usually means trouble.", Ratchet said, while rubbing his arm. "You must have seen some serious action back in the great wars?", Optimus asked.

"You know you can always talk about it with us right?!", Serenity said, a little to fast. "Yes I did and no I still don't want to talk about it!", Ratchet retorted, before moving away from Serenity.

"That's what I'm saying. Forget about the past, loosen up. Enjoy the bright lights, the big city.", Bumblebee said. Suddenly, all the lights in the room turned off.

"Okay, enjoy the big city.", Bumblebee continued. Suddenly, a muscle car's lights turned on and drove at the Autobots.

"Look out!", Serenity called out, as she pushed Optimus out of the way. The car seemed to be mostly heading for him, but as she looked down, Serenity saw that she was on top of Optimus which made them both blush.

Serenity then quickly scrambled off of Optimus. "Whoa! That guys not going to win any safety awards.", Bumblebee commented.

"Bumblebee, lights and sirens. We're taking that driver down.", Optimus commanded. Bumblebee then transformed and drove after the car, then transformed his doors into stingers.

However, the car dodges him and starts to head for some people crossing the street. Optimus and Ratchet quickly transformed and Optimus throws his ax at stakes that are holding a billboard.

Then, Serenity used her powers to give to Optimus a hand, who used it as a ramp, and the car goes flying. "Next time, you might want to look both ways before crossing.", Optimus suggested.

"Okay, you got it.", the man said. Soon, they both ran off the road, as the car headed for Ratchet.

"Ratchet, move!", Serenity yelled out. "Ratchet!", Optimus called out.

"Ratchet! Field medic Ratchet! What is your status?", Ultra Magnus demanded. Explosions were now going on all around him.

"Decepticon! Fire everywhere, sir. We're pinned down!", Ratchet said. A explosion then went off and knocked him near a hole.

"Medic!", a female voice cried out. Ratchet turned to see a pink bot at the bottom of the hole.

"Ratchet! Have you located the intelligence officer?", Ultra Magnus asked Ratchet, through the com link. "Affirmative, sir. Unfortunately, so have the Deceptions.", Ratchet replied.

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