It's a quiet night now in the city of Detroit. A crescent moon hangs in the dark sky, shining its light down onto a group of night security loading up an armored car for a bank transfer.
Atop a nearby building on the truck's route, a Robin Hood-esque man, armed with a bow and quiver of arrows, watches as the truck speeds by. Though his lips upturning in a confident smirk doesn't portray what he's about to do is anything like his fictional portrayal's likeness.
The armored car stops at a red light, allowing this medieval supervillain to propel down with a grappling arrow. "Tally-ho!", the villain exclaimed, with dark excitement, as he lands on the car's roof with the guards inside none the wiser.
Though they're in for a surprise when a hole is cut into the roof with another one of the villains trick arrows. "Stand and deliver, old sport.", the medieval villain said.
The archering robber smirks before firing arrows armed with metal fists at the front ends, slamming the two guards into the walls, knocking them out. Angry Archer then ropes the sacks of money, tying them to his waist.
"For sooth, the Angry Archer is victorious!", Angry Archer declared. His victory, however, is cut off by the loud sirens going off behind.
Turning around, he finds himself the sole attention of a squadron of DPD police cars. Angry Archer's eyes widen in fear at being cornered.
But an escape route has appeared out of nowhere. A fire truck with it's lights and siren flashing is traveling opposite to the police chase.
Angry Archer launches another grappling arrow to attach to the fire truck. Using a hidden set of stabilizer wings in his quiver, he glides gracefully onto the truck's roof.
If the villainous robber had been paying closer attention, he'd have saw the icy blue motorcycle with a rider covered head to toe in a riding suit and helmet of the same color with bits of white, gold, dark blue and red mixed in. "HAHAHA!!! Victory is mine! Yon police would ne'er stop a firetruck from speeding to an emergency!", Angry Archer said.
"Only one problem with that theory.", a voice remarks out of thin air, forcing the Robin Hood-esque robber to look around for the voice. The firetruck stops on a dime, sending Angry Archer flying and skidding across the pavement.
"You're the emergency.", a female voice flitters, as the motorcycle screeches to a stop to flank by the firetruck's side, the rider fizzing out and vanishing into nothing. The two vehicles then begin to transform before the robber's eyes, revealing themselves to be Optimus Prime and the crown princess of Cybertron, Serenity.
In the midst of his shock, the archer doesn't notice himself become grasped into the princess' servo. "Now I do believe those sacks of currency don't belong to you. Would you be so kind as to return them?", Serenity kindly asked.
Coming to his senses, he begins to struggle in the metal hand. "Apologies, M'Lady, but I'm afraid your good manners must go unanswered this night.", Angry Archer told her.
Getting his arm free, he notches another arrow and lets it fly to wrap around a nearby light pole. "Tallyho and fare thee well!", Angry Archer announced.
He's then ripped from Serenity's grasp. But his escape is cut in two as Optimus throws his axe and slices the grappling rope.
The cut off of momentum causes Angry Archer to skid across the pavement for the second time that night. Growling in frustration, he's none too pleased about being made a fool of.
Notching another arrow, he let's fly towards the Autobots. Optimus quickly brings Serenity close to his chassis, pulling her out of the weapons path.

Various! Transformers: Animated Series x Princess! Robot! Oc Insert (Discont.)
FanfictionJoin Princess Serenity on her adventures with the Autobots and Optimus Prime, her best friend/crush. Along the way, she'll have many male robotics lovers (both Autobots & Decepticons) fighting for her affections. How will Serenity be able to handle...