Nanosec then raced through the streets. "That's right! Nano sec is back, baby! And rested and ripped!", Nanosec cheered, as he ran with the stolen money.
Soon, the Autobots were on his tail. "How come he looks young again?", Bumblebee asked.
"Wrinkle cream?", Sari suggested, while riding inside Bumblebee. Nanosec soon caused the other cars around him to crash together.
"A high speed pursuit is proceeding to be a danger to innocents organic.", Prowl pointed out. "Agreed!", both Optimus and Serenity said at the same time.
"Bumblebee, take a side street. Circle back to cut off Nanosec's path of escape.", Optimus ordered. But, Bumblebee just sped ahead.
"Um, Bumblebee? Hello? Prime said-", Sari asked him. She was cut off by Bumblebee.
"I don't need some fancy flanking mauve. I've got the speed.", Bumblebee said. Before anyone could react, a beam hit Bumblebee, slowing him down.
"I'm either faster than I think or that gear head is slowing down," Nanosec said. When the others saw Bumblebee frozen there, they all hit their brakes.
This causes them to crash into each other in order not to hit him. "Hope you lameos are insured!", Nanosec yelled out.
Bumblebee then started up again, driving slightly before stopping. He then looked at his team.
"Oh, those aught to buff right out.", Bumblebee said. Optimus soon transformed.
"Bumblebee, you disobeyed my order! I called for a flanking maneuver. We're suppose to work as a team!", Optimus told him. "Well, every team has to go with the best player, right? Or as least the fastest.", Bumblebee said.
"Then why did you hit your breaks?", Prowl asked. "I didn't! I'm... I... I'm not sure what happened!", Bumblebee stuttered.
"But, if you hadn't been tailgating me, you would need to have those dents pounded out!", Bumblebee snapped. "Um, hum. So, now you're shifting the blame to us?", Prowl asked, annoyed.
Optimus then looked at Serenity. "Bumblebee, you're starting to act like Sentinel.", Serenity stated, while transforming.
"Am NOT!", Bumblebee shouted out. "Okay! We are heading back to the plant. I'll alert Ratchet that he's got some repairs to do. Including a full diagnostic on your drive train.", Optimus stated, while glaring at Bumblebee.
"What?! You think this was my fault?", Bumblebee asked. Optimus didn't even answer, as he and the rest of the team transformed.
"If the hubcap fits...", Prowl mumbled, as they drove away. "Fine! Then, I'll just go find Nanosec on my own!", Bumblebee stated, while not following.
"But, you guys are a team.", Sari pointed out. "I couldn't agree more.", Serenity stated, as she drives back to him.
"We'll catch Nanosec as a team.", Serenity continued. "But, that is why I can't let them think their star player is losing his touch.", Bumblebee stated, as he drives away, causing dust to fly up in Serenity's face.
She dusted herself off, looked at Bumblebee. Then, back at where her team had gone.
"You're going to need help, Bumblebee.", Serenity muttered. And with that, she drove off after Bumblebee.
"It's been hours! And there's no sign of Nanosec. Can we please just go home?", Sari asked. "Hello?! I got something to prove here.", Bumblebee answered.
"That you got a ego the size of Sentinel's chin?", Serenity asked, earning a snicker from Sari. "Hey!", Bumblebee protested.
"Or that you can bore me to tears? Let's see what's on the radio.", Sari added, pushing a few buttons on Bumblebee. "All units! Crime in progress! Circuit guys electronics!", the radio announced.

Various! Transformers: Animated Series x Princess! Robot! Oc Insert (Discont.)
FanfictionJoin Princess Serenity on her adventures with the Autobots and Optimus Prime, her best friend/crush. Along the way, she'll have many male robotics lovers (both Autobots & Decepticons) fighting for her affections. How will Serenity be able to handle...