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"It smells delicious in here" Steve drooled out walking into the house. Soda coming in behind him.
"Well thank you Stevie, this here is Mrs Curtis' famous chicken pot pie recipe" I smile at the boys sitting in the living room, Steve rolling his eyes at his nickname.

Back when me and Darry were in high school, when I still stayed with my dad, I would come over to the Curtis house all the time. Mrs Curtis knew about my home life and she would teach me all the things my mother didn't get too, before she died. Mrs Cutis taught me how to cook, sew, she even helped me settle down and focus on my books , which actually helped me graduate high school, something I never thought I would do. She always told me that it was ok to have fun and get into trouble every now and again, but I had so much potential that shouldn't go to waste.

She always felt like Darry had a crush on me, I never thought so. I was just some JD and he was the popular football player, he would never like me like that.

" Sweetheart I think Darry likes you" Mrs Curtis whispers as I pack up my algebra homework that she had helped me work through

"Well yea, I like him too he's my best friend"

"Hun, I think he likes you more than just a best friend" she says dragging out the J in just.

"That's really funny Mrs C, why would Darry like me? he's the most popular football player on the East Side of town. He could have any girl he wanted, why would he want me, a troublemaker ?"

"Oh sweetheart, Darry needs someone like you to balance him out every one and a while , you are just as good as any other girl out there, actually, between you and me-", Mrs Curtis whispers " you probably have more brains then all of them put together"

Me and Mrs Curtis break out laughing just as Darry walked in from football practice, he just stood there smiling at us.

" Thank you Mrs C, I better get home, I don't want my dad to worry", I say standing up from the kitchen table.

" Well be careful sweetheart, and remember what I said" Mrs Curtis winked at me.

" Oh I will" I smile as I walk out the house and start down the street towards my house.
~Flashback over~

After Mr and Mrs Curtis passed It felt like a piece of me had gone with them. But I stayed strong for Darry, Pony and Soda's sake. Darry had too take on a lot more responsibility including taking care of his brothers. I was always gonna be there to help him and ever since then, I have been by his side balancing him out when he needs it.

I still honour Mrs Curtis' memory by staying out of trouble,(sometimes) and doing all the things she taught me too so I can make her proud.

We're Just Best Friends| Darry Curtis Where stories live. Discover now