Chapter 20

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'I'm going this time,' I stated definitively. Five faces looked at me with concern. 'If you leave me here again, I'll run. I'd rather be somewhere hard to find and harder to kill,' I pressured.

'There could be guns, not target hitting guns but ones that are aimed at actual people,' David said, earning an all-around bobbing in agreement heads but mine.

'I'll be fine. I know what could happen and I'm ready for it,' I pressed. 'Did any of you find anything at those previous locations? Something that could lead us to their base?'

'The park gave us nothing,' Scarlett disclosed.

'Library was a dead-end,' Jake added blandly. Two down three to go. 'And he couldn't check the suite because of a well-timed phone call.'

'So, where do we begin?' I asked. If this topic stopped them from arguing I was happy and I could gain valuable information. 'Do we go back to the suite or not?'

'I didn't have time to check almost any of it so I'm going back there,' Levi said. 'Piper?'

'I'll come. Plus, I'm kinda sick of staying in the one house,' I joked. 'I need variety.'

'We can check Gucci,' Matthew said, motioning to the leftover four of them. 'Two at a time, one pair in the morning, another in the arvo. If we're seen all together the plan could fail.'

'What do we do after that?' I looked between all their determined faces.

'We go to Prada. Together,' Levi said in a voice you'd imagine a hero speaking dramatically in. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing but he noticed my crinkled eyes. 'What?'

'Just the way you said it,' I giggled. 'Are you trying to raise the stakes or something?'

The others laughed then, including Levi.

'That was the first time anyone has ever pointed that out. I've been meaning to for years,' Jake said between laughing fits. 

Meriton Suites was not at all how I imagined it. I thought it was going to be maybe a four-star hotel not this. A skyscraper filled with luxury accommodation suites. I stared at it in awe. 'You ready?' Levi asked quietly as we pulled up.

'I think the six of us should be looking here instead of Gucci and Prada. Look at the friggin' size of it,' I exclaimed.

'Come on then. Let's get you ready for your first mission.' He hopped out of the car and opened the door for me. My decked out outfit matched his. From the shoes to the sunnies we looked like celebrities, except one of us is actually a celebrity. The red sports car we arrived in was taken by a valet and parked somewhere nearby. 'Try not to look too shocked,' Levi whispered as he led me towards the rotating doors, 'It's just a hotel.' As we walked into the lobby I almost stopped so I could just take in the room. 'Holy shit.' Too bad my poker face was terrible. The lobby was made of glass walls and blue and grey marble floors. The bench that spanned almost the entirety of the far wall was a brown and cream marble masterpiece. A clerk behind the bench looked up. 'Your room is ready for you Mr Harp and Miss...'

'Rodney,' I said before Levi could. 'Pip Rodney.' He looked at me with a spark of approval.

'Here are your keys. Please don't lose them.' She handed over two cream plastic cards and gestured to the elevator. 'Level thirty, Penthouse Suite.' I nodded a thank you and followed Levi to the elevator just as the doors pinged open. A woman strolled out with a small Prada bag hanging from her bent elbow. Her stilettos click-clacked across the marble, the only loud sound in the quiet room. I had seen her before, somewhere, but I couldn't figure out where. The doors closed with a whoosh. 'I've seen her before,' I declared when I was absolutely positive that we couldn't be heard.

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