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They've fought for almost half an hour.

Both received punches and kicks but Seraph got no open wounds from daggers and darts. The female weapon wielding user was consistent in not getting any wounds from these blades. While the male brunette obtained a slight injury on his shoulder from the early hit of her crystal dart.

He stared at Seraph carefully, doting every movement, thinking of possible dangerous actions that can come hurling at him from her. Gusion tensed, his muscles going rigid and the adrenaline in him naturally spiked up. He brought himself up to his feet after she pushed him with her foot, then steadied himself and not let the force of gravity pull him down to the ground once more.

He flung his light-charged dagger at her and teleported in front of her, then made a swinging motion with the weapon in hand. The other skipped to the side, dodging it and seizing his arm to momentarily immobilize him, kicking his back in one quick movement. As he slipped forward, he used the opportunity to give her a punch on her shoulder. Gusion rolled on the ground as Seraphima staggered backwards, the soles of her boots helping her to lessen the impact of his attack.

"So, you don't know me?" He commenced a conversation with the spark of curiosity in those blue eyes whilst straightening himself, brushing the dirt off his clothes. She shook her head as an answer that she didn't know him while both of them pranced in a circle with a fighting stance. She didn't seem dangerous the second time he looked at her. He guessed that there was no need for a fight.

Plus, he started the fight, he should end it.

"All right. I won't fight. Let's just talk."

Seraph rose a brow at him in question but shrugged as she responded, "Fine." But she wondered why he changed his mind.

The two brunettes halted their steps upon agreement. Gusion decided to keep his daggers away and she did the same, both of them facing each other with empty hands. "So," he began, "we should forgive and forget about what just happened shall we?"

"If that's what you want, I don't mind unless you are planning something." She answered him, still on full alert just in case he would pull some tricks. It was clear that he is some sort of a delinquent and she figured that out because she is one herself after all. Someone who offends the legislation in the government or the rules in the family, she can see the both of them in that category.

He rolled his eyes at her, "Of course not. I'm offering a truce, yeah?" He stretched his hand out to her and she hesitantly grabbed his hand then shook it.

She pulled her hand away, setting it on the strap of her leathered satchel. The Crisiant woman remained uncommunicative for a tad bit while the chestnut haired male thought about what to say, his fingers holding his chin in contemplation.

Rolling her eyes at the wordless bond between them, Seraph began to ready herself to jump. The wisps of lavender and purple faintly surrounded her as she eyed the rooftop.

Gusion upon seeing this, stretched his hand out to stop her, "Miss wait. You can't just go hopping around without telling me your name and your business here." A small grunt left her lips in slight annoyance; the entrance to this school is this way and it is just so near, so close for her to maybe find some answers. She straightened up and averted her eyes on him, putting one of her hands on the side of her hips.

"I'm Seraphima. Seraphima Crisiant," she stated and he hummed in acknowledgement as he let out one of his charming smiles that he usually cast at the ladies but it faltered when she gave him a questioning look.

He sighed and gestured to himself, "I'm Gusion Paxley. So, what are you up to?"

A Paxley? She fixated her gaze on the rooftop once more as she spoke,"I am not going to tell you anything. You and your family must be all law-abiding people, considering that I was greeted with weapons pointed at me back at the gate." He frowned upon hearing those words and scoffed.

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