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"We're here, everyone! Lumina City!" The salesboy, Quisten, exclaimed when he commanded his horse to pull the wagon into the large bronze and golden gates of the main capital, people buzzing around them as kids and adults roamed about at stalls, shops and the well-known Oracle Plaza.

There were also beautiful mansions and dazzling buildings that captivated the golden brown-haired woman, especially the main palace where the princess of the empire and her family lived.

Gusion turned to looked at Seraphima from his frontseat then grinned, "You seriously have the same reaction the time you entered Castle Aberleen."

She glanced at him and smiled, "It's just so wonderful to see more of the world outside of the town I used to live in."

"Oh, where are you from, Seraph?" Aamon asked her with curiosity in his blue orbs.

"Just a small borough that doesn't have much life like this," she simply answered him, not wanting to let him know of that abandoned town where criminals hide from their punishments of their transgressions.

He wished to ask her more about it but she beat him to it as she added, "It will be interesting to travel around the world. I wonder where Eruditio is."

"It's located from the West side of the Land of Dawn, mainly in Agrelta Drylands," a blonde woman loudly answered her when the wagon came to a stop in front of a large residence as she pushed her goggles up to her head and she waved, "Hey, Quisten! You've finally arrived with some friends! That's great!"

The boy gasped at the sight of her, excitement filling his face as if he had won a lottery, "Miss Layla!"

The three passengers got off the wagon and Quisten gave the reins of his horse to a nearby stableman who took the animal and the wagon right away. Seraph looked at the woman before her. She was a bit shorter than her by an inch or two. Her long, blonde hair was styled in pigtails while her goggles were strapped against her head with its leather clasp, the rim of its lenses reflecting the sunlight. She have dark brown eyes. The female was wearing a dress with brown and white chapters, her skirt that was above her knees contained underfrocks and laces, that gave a puffy effect to her outfit. She sported knee-high boots made out of brown leather with dark brown shoe laces, short heels located beneath the soles to add more height to her.

The woman glanced at her and smiled, "You seemed interested in my homeland. I'm Layla, it is my pleasure meeting you." She stretched her hand out to her respectively.

"Likewise," the brunette said, "I'm Seraphima Crisiant."

Averting her eyes from the Crisiant woman, she caught sight of the two noblemen beside her and grinned, "Ah. The Paxleys. I've heard of you but didn't expect to see you in person. You must be the great duke and the fourth son of the duchy. Aren't you suppose to have your own carriage rather than riding a wagon?"

"We aren't here for any business proposals or meetings. We are merely passing by for the night," answered Aamon with a polite tone, emanating his aura of being belonged to nobility.

"I see."

"If I may ask, will you help us search for a place to stay for the night?" The duke asked her and she put her finger to her chin, thinking about it.

Unbeknownst to the ash grey-haired man, Gusion grabbed Seraph's hand then led her away to the busy parts of town. She blinked at her chestnut-haired friend who grinned at her with a sly look in his eyes.

"Where are we going?" She asked him as they went past by various people while she glanced back at the other Paxley talking to that Eruditio woman, "Aren't we supposed to wait for them or see if Layla can help us?"

aamon paxley X o.c. • the duke and the runawayWhere stories live. Discover now