Chapter 1

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   (And now the story shall begin! As I mentioned before, this is all told in Frances' point of view unless stated otherwise. I hope you guys will enjoy this)!

~ A Few Months Later ~

   It's been a few months since everything happened. I can't say that I've been alright since then. I mean, who would be after seeing their family brutally murdered in front of them? I stayed in Boston with my Oncle and Tante after everything occurred. I had luckily managed to leave France without anyone knowing that I'm Jewish. Since staying in Boston, my mentality transformed. I now know why Jewish people are being hunted down. I now know why my family was killed. I now know what Nazis are and what they represent.

   I became filled with immense anger, something I never felt before. It was strange. I felt the strongest urge for revenge. An urge to kill. I've never felt that before. All I felt before was happiness and love, not anger and hatred. I immediately knew what I wanted to do once arriving in Boston. I taught myself many things, including how to shoot a gun. I taught myself German, the language that I had heard the moments before my family was killed. I knew I had to avenge them and make them proud. I knew I had to kill Colonel Hans Landa, the man who started it all.

   I returned to France after two months of living with my Oncle and Tante. I knew I had to start my plan, so I returned as soon as I could. I don't have a home really. I live all over and refuse to go to an orphanage. People know me around here, since I do small favors for them. But yet, not one person knows that I'm the German Army's worst fear. The Shadow.

   I've built quite a reputation for myself. After the first few murders I committed, I started being labeled as a serial killer, and I was deemed as the Shadow, due to me escaping without anyone noticing and killing all these Nazis so swiftly and without anyone knowing. Nobody knows my true identity, and I'm keeping it that way. They'll never know that the Shadow is an 11-year-old traumatized girl.

   I am currently sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee and eating some almond financiers. These were pretty good, but my mother made the best ones. I miss her cooking so much. As I finished eating, and was finishing up the last bits of my coffee, I overheard some German Gestapo officers talking. They were sitting near me so I could hear them perfectly. They of course were speaking German. And their idiot selves couldn't realize that I understood them perfectly.

   A waitress walked over to them to ask what they would order. One of them answered in French, saying they would order espressos. I smirked a little. I was already finished so I dropped some money on the table and carefully snuck over to the baristas' side. I carefully looked over at the orders and saw three espressos being made. I knew it was theirs. The baristas left for a bit to tend to some other orders, which gave me a perfect opportunity to tamper with the espressos. I took out a small bottle. Poison. Don't ask how I got it.

   I put a few drops in the espressos and crept away. "Oh. Hi Frances. What are you doing here?" The waitress, Amelie asked in French. She's my best friend and I can trust her with my life. "Ah Amelie! Just wanted to say hello!" I lied. "Hi Frances! I cherish you being nice but you can't be here." Amelie shared. "Certainly amour!" I said with a smile, walking away back to my table.

   I glanced at Amelie bringing the Gestapo officers the espressos. I chuckled a little seeing them drink. I knew that the baristas and the customers would get accused of causing their deaths and I didn't want that to happen. I took out a piece of paper I saved and wrote on it in French, English, and German. The three languages being spoken in this Nazi-occupied country.

Veuillez ne rien faire aux personnes qui travaillent ici ou aux clients. Ils n'ont rien fait.

Please do not do anything to the people who work here or the customers. They didn't do anything.

Bitte tun Sie weder den Menschen, die hier arbeiten, noch den Kunden etwas. Sie haben nichts getan.

-- the Shadow (L'ombre, der Schatten)

   I watched as the officers began showing symptoms of the poison. They were coughing up blood and had trouble breathing. I chuckled. Three Nazis that I no longer have to worry about. Help began getting called as the officers began struggling more. Everyone began to panic which gave me a perfect opportunity to place the paper down onto their table without notice. I left the cafe successfully. Another attack of the Shadow has been completed. Another one will soon commence, since I overheard their little conversation before their useless lives ended. Something about a few soldiers. Those Nazis will never know what hit 'em.

   (That was the first chapter! Things probably went by fast so I apologize for that. I hope you guys enjoyed it though! See you soon)!   




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