Chapter 2

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   (Hi everyone! New upload! I hope you guys will enjoy this)!

Bold = German
Italic = French/Frances' thoughts
Arial = English

   Making my way to kill Nazis was my favorite thing to do when I was bored. Sinister I know. But do I care? No. I stopped caring about everything when my family was killed. If my family wasn't killed, I wouldn't be like this. I would be a normal child. Not a killer. But now that shit has happened, I have remained to take revenge and pick up pieces of myself that fell after my family's deaths.

   One important thing of my journey though is the people who I know will be there. The Basterds. I have heard a lot of things about them. I know about a few of the members. They're lead by Lt. Aldo "The Apache" Raine. I've overheard many conversations about one of the members, Sergeant Donny Donowitz, who they call "the Bear Jew." He bashes Nazis' brains in with a baseball bat, which is very satisfying to think about. I kind of want to be recruited by them. They definitely need someone like me. I'll show them how good I am.

   As I walked, nobody thought I was suspicious. I mean, I didn't really look suspicious. I just had this big guitar case that was on my back that contained a machine gun that I stole from a Nazi I killed and an axe. I barely used the gun so that I won't attract attention. I would've been caught already if I used the gun. I walked further and further away, getting closer to my destination. I know the place was a wooded area near a bridge and tunnel that was made of stone.

   I finally made it to my destination, sneaking around the spot so I won't get caught. I am so surprised the German Army didn't call me "the Fox" or something like that. I'm able to sneak away from crime scenes and sneak into places. Oh well. I guess "the Shadow" works too. I sat on my stomach on the grass, camouflaged with the leaves and bushes. I took out my binoculars that my Oncle gave me. Those pathetic little Nazis were sitting around, laughing and smiling. They were acting as if they weren't working for an asshole dictator and killing people because of their religion, race, disabilities, and sexual orientation. I scoffed seeing their little smiles and hearing their wretched laughter.

   I smirked, knowing that their stupid little lives will end soon. I put my binoculars away and took off my long, beige coat and black beret and put it on the grass. I had a white button up shirt underneath with black pants and black boots. Normally girls don't really wear boots but do I give a damn? Nope. I loaded my gun and put the strap over me, the gun being on my back. I was ready.

   I made my way down and trudged over to them. "Sergeant!" One of the Nazis yelled, hitting another Nazi's arm. The sergeant turned around and pointed his gun at me. "Einfrieren! Wer bist du?!¹" The sergeant yelled. I stood there, pretending to not understand what he said and tilted my head. "I don't think she knows German. We're in France after all." Another Nazi spoke. "Mademoiselle, this is not a place for you. How did you get here?" The sergeant asked again, this time switching to French. Now he's being nice even though he's pointing a gun at a child?

   I chuckled a bit. "Well, sergent.² You have a scheduled meeting with me." I shared with a smirk. The sergeant and the rest of the Nazis looked at each other in confusion. "Quoi?³" The sergeant responded in confusion. "Sie haben ein Treffen mit dem Schatten.⁴" I muttered, menacingly. I watched as the Nazis widened their eyes. Before they could react, I grabbed my gun off my back and began shooting. Within seconds, I had shot all of them. I kept shooting until I ran out of bullets.

   Blood was spilled all over the ground, the once green grass now dyed a crimson red. I let out a low chuckle, admiring my work. I went up to grab all my stuff and went back down. As I had my back turned due to putting my stuff on a large log, I heard rustling from behind me. I grabbed my axe and rushed towards the noise. There was one Nazi that was still alive, groaning in pain. "P-Please. Have mercy." He groaned out. "Nein. Lass dich jetzt von der Dunkelheit einhüllen. Abschied.⁵" I whispered, swinging my axe downwards.

   I kept swinging and swinging like a madman. Blood spurted out in every direction, including on me. After I finally stopped, I began to breathe heavily whilst running my hands through my long, brown hair. My face and shirt were covered in blood. I chuckled once again, feeling satisfied. I walked back to the log and put my now bloodied axe against it. I ripped off my once white shirt and threw it to the side. Blood still remained on my arms and face.

   I sat on the log in the cold, wearing only pants, boots, and a gray tank top. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out and pulling out a match to light it. Yes, I also began to smoke after my family was killed. This was the only way to cope other than killing, and I didn't care. As I smoked, I pulled out my large hunting knife that I stole and carved into the log,

The Shadow was here.

   (There we go! Frances pulled a whole Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho!" I hope you guys enjoyed that! See you soon)!

¹ = "Freeze! Who are you?"
² = "Sergeant"
³ = "What?"
⁴ = "You have a meeting with the Shadow"
⁵ = "No. Let the darkness envelope you now. Farewell."


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