Chapter 4

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   (Frances is getting to know everyone here. I hope you guys will enjoy this)!

   It's been about a few days since my recruitment. Aldo talked to the general about me, and he seemed to be supportive about having me around. He mentioned that I could be a great help in taking down the Nazis. I severely hope that I could do that, though Colonel Hans Landa is the one that I mostly want.

   We were sitting around in the woods, near where the Basterds and I first met. I honestly still felt kind of shy around them, even though I kind of made myself look like a psychopath when trying to get recruited. I guess the others noticed how distant I was, so they sat around me chatting with each other so I could get more comfortable.

   "So Frances, you said you were French-American the other day. Where you from?" One of the Basterds, who I learned was named Utivich, asked. "Well, I was originally born in New York but moved to France when I was little so I hardly remember it over there. That's why I speak English with a French accent, since I obviously spent most of my life in France." I explained. "Oh shit, I'm from New York too!" Utivich expressed. I smiled at him. "Cool!" I replied.

   "Any other part of America you been in?" Aldo asked this time. "I stayed in Boston for two months before." I added. Donny, who was sitting beside me, looked at me after I said that. "Let me guess, you're from Boston too." I spoke before he could say anything. "You're right about that." Donny replied with a chuckle.

   I looked down at his bat and saw many names scribbled on it. "What are all these names?" I questioned, observing it. Donny picked up the bat and showed it to me. "I told everyone in the neighborhood that were Jewish to write down the names of their loved ones that they fear are in trouble in Europe." He answered, showing me all the names. I observed the bat and noticed one particular name on the bat. It was my name.

   "My name is there." I shared, pointing at it. "Really? Could be a coincidence." Donny replied. "Maybe so. But my Oncle and Tante-- I mean, my uncle and aunt, lived in Boston. That's who I stayed with for two months." I expressed. Donny looked at me with furrowed brows. "What are their names?" He questioned. "Jacques Mitchell and Élise Beaumont." I  answered.

   "Oh shit! I did go to them and they wrote your name down." Donny exclaimed. I widened my eyes. "Damn, what a full circle moment!" I giggled, causing the others to laugh as well. "Surprised you didn't develop a Boston accent like this one." Omar, another Basterd, joked and began to speak in an exaggerated accent. "Fuck you!" Donny yelled as he stuck up his middle finger, causing me to laugh. "There's a child present." Wicki, the only German born Basterd, pointed out. "It's ok." I giggled.

   "How old are you anyway, kid?" A Basterd named Hirschberg asked. "I'm 11." I answered, causing everyone to gaze at me in shock. "I know. Crazy huh?" I giggled. "I didn't expect that to be your age." Aldo shared. I shrugged and gave a smug smile, which caused everyone to laugh a bit. This was definitely going to be fun.

   (Well, looks like they're gonna get along very well. I hope you guys enjoyed this! Stay tuned for more)!




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