Chapter 7

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   (A new character is gonna be mentioned here guys! I hope you'll enjoy)!

   I went into town to see if there was any news so far and so I could overhear if there were Nazis that the Basterds and I could go after. I carefully avoided them, just in case they heard what I looked like from the survivors. I went into the cafe I occasionally went into before I joined the Basterds. The last time I went in here was when I poisoned those officers. I still don't know what happened to them.

   I sat in a table, isolated from everyone else. I brought a book with me so nobody could see my face. I looked through my peripheral vision and saw someone walk by me and stop. I felt a stare burning into me. "Frances?" A familiar voice asked in French. I looked up. "Amelie!" I sighed out, relieved that she was alright. I had hoped she was ok. She was the one who brought out the espressos to the officers. I hoped the Nazis weren't stupid enough to think it was her and not look at the letter I left. Thank God they knew.

   "Frances, what are you doing here? You can't be seen!" Amelie exclaimed, sitting in front of me. "They know what I look like?" I asked. "Yes! They have a reward set on you. If they catch you, you might get executed on the spot or put in a concentration camp in either France or Germany!" Amelie replied. I widened my eyes. Damn those Nazis weren't playing.

   "That day those Gestapo officers got poisoned, it was you wasn't it?" Amelie asked. I nodded. "Did they die?" I questioned, hope glimmering in my voice. Amelie nodded slowly. "They nearly investigated all of us before finding your letter. I knew it was you. You're the only person I know who's fluent in French, English, and German." Amelie shared. I shrugged. "That's one of my talents, chérie!" I exclaimed, dramatically. Amelie wasn't laughing. She usually would have.

   "Quel amour? What's wrong?" I asked in concern. "I never expected it would've been you. Now, you can get killed." Amelie began to cry. I gave her a small smile. "I'll survive." I consoled. Amelie took out a newspaper from her apron and set it on the table. "He reminded me of you. The way he killed those Gestapo officers. You did a little worst than he did." Amelie explained.

   I read the title and stared at the man. His name was Hugo Stiglitz. He killed 13 Gestapo officers while he was enlisted in the German Army. I chuckled as I read. I'm impressed. A sentence caught my eyes. He was gonna be sent to Berlin to be made an example of. I smirked. No way am I letting that happen. "Hugo Stiglitz. You ain't goin' nowhere." I whispered. I knew Aldo would think the same.

   "Can I keep this?" I asked. "Certainly." Amelie answered. We heard the door open. A Gestapo officer walked in. "Quick! Go out the back door! They'll never go there. Be safe Frances, mon amour." Amelie frantically spoke, waving at me. I waved back and ran out. Now I gotta get this to Aldo. Once he agrees with me, we gotta decide how to get Hugo out. This is certainly going to be eventful.

   (There we go! I hope you guys enjoyed this! Hugo Stiglitz is coming up soon! One of my favorite characters that's for damn sure. See you guys soon)!

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