Chapter 19

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  We all chatted and got along quite nicely. Sharen and Petra had to head back because Petra was freezing from the water so he went and change while Sharen accompany him. I and Ruth kept Joy company while Ruth asks him millions of questions, which Joy doesn't mind but I think it starts getting into him. I could only look at him apologetically as he have to listen to her ramble. "I'm sorry that I've been asking you so many questions, it is just, you're so awesome!", Ruth said after cutting herself.

   Joy seemed to look the other way embarrass, "Thank you.", He said shyly. "Nice vocab Ruth", I tease as she told me to shut up. "By the way, I want to show you guys something." He said as he stand up and start leading the way. We both know that we should wait for Petra or any adult at the moment, but curiosity gets the better of us and we can't help but drag our feet along with the trail Joy was taking. We follow him like lost puppies and he leads us far enough we reached the riverside. "The riverside?", I asked confused as he continue walking belong side the river.

   The both of us just follow along and walked until he had stopped suddenly which made me bump into him and Ruth bump into me but thankfully we did not fall to the grown that's now muddy. "Why did you stop?", Ruth asked after balancing herself. "Look at this.", He said as he gave us some space to see what he was bringing us here for. It was a crushed wall that was separated in between the river. The wall is what Joy had described it.

   "Is this the...", Ruth stated, "The path to the other side.", I finish and Joy just nod. "How did you find this path?", I asked now looking at Joy. "After our first encounter I was motivated once again to find this path, and a couple of days later I magically stumble upon this path. That was the day I came to visit you once again.", He explain. "I can't believe it is right in front of our eyes.", Ruth said still staring at the walls in amazement.

   "We have to go through, there's a lot of-", Joy said but he was cut off by ruffling noises. "Oh no..", He whispered. "Get on top of me right now.", Joy orders and we listen without questioning and climb on top of him with a quick pace not making any noise. He stand up completely and turned into his full transformation. Ruth unconsciously and I covered her gasp from behind her. The ruffling becomes louder and we could feel the ground shaking. What other creature could be here?

   I try to hold my breath, trying to make the least sound possible. Joy looked like he was ready to fight and I hold my dear cousin in front of me in fear. A red creature comes into view and as it jumped out of the woods Joy starts flying over the walls. I couldn't make out clearly what creature it was but it looked like a bull but its red with mad eyes. Joy was flying trying to run away from the creature, but without noticing we are now on the other side.

   Joy land and start running away, the other side's forest must've been more dangerous with more creatures in their forest. We ran away with the sound of the bull following us from behind and both of us were holding into Joy for our dear lives. I couldn't even think about Petra or Sharen right now, I only care about what will happen to Joy and Ruth when the bull catches up to us. As my breath rises every time, the adrenaline rushes through my body, and trust me, it is not the good one.

   We ran so far that we reached this big gate that looked like sort of a castle. The gate opened leading Joy inside of it and he transform into his normal form quickly. He got inside and was closed quickly right after leaving the bull huffing behind the gate and giving up on chasing us. I sigh in relief before looking around me... there are people. There were so many people here and there making trades buying food, objects, and animals. Is this what people usually called the markets?

   Joy bump me and signaled me to follow him. It seemed like he had been in this situation over and over again. I grabbed Ruth's hand and follow Joy as he leads us somewhere more quiet and less crowded. I could see the people around me, strangers I had never seen once in my life. It was loud, different from what I'm used too but I like different. I could see a kid who is my age and she looked away running to her Mother. Ruth seemed to be as mesmerized as I am.

   But before we could go anywhere quite a couple of people come in front of us and seemed to block us. I did not know what happened but Joy suddenly screamed, "Run!", and both I and Ruth ran in the other direction while the guards were chasing the both of us. Joy seemed to be captured and soon after Ruth were being pulled by the guards. "Ruth!", I screamed as I ran to her. "Run Abby RUN!", Ruth screamed but it was pointless because the guard caught me and I fight back which helped me get out of their grip and tried once again running to my cousin but a cloth cover my mouth and nose which made me sleepier, slowly but surely the whole world becomes dark and I passed out.

   I can't remember what had happened that day, I woke up the next day in a prison cell. "What..", I asked confused as a headache came through my head causing me to whine. I sat up straight and observe this new environment.

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