Chapter 10

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 We've spent hours in the library and lunchtime was near the clock. It is not suspicious for Ruth to be in the library this long, but it quite is for me to be there for hours. Even if I do read a lot, usually I'll do it near the riverside or if I'm feeling a little bored, on the roof. But if both of us were there, they will probably think we're talking about some ideas and trying to find information in the library, which is exactly what we're doing. Just not the information they'll probably think we're searching for.

   "Should we tell our family about this?", Ruth ask as she searched throughout the fifth book she had found, no new information from that one. "Let's tell Sharen cause I don't want her to be the odd one out.", I said before pausing to put the books that hold no information back to the shelf. "But let us make this our little secret, for now, no adults need to know. Except for Petra whenever he's coming back home with the others. He must be thrilled with the information we have.", I said smiling at the thought.

   "What about my Father? He will be thrilled too.", Ruth said as she looked down to her books, her back covering the emotions in her eyes, but I could feel her sadness from the shelf I was standing in front of. "I mean, that will ruin the whole point of the secret. But if you do insist then how could I say no? Uncle Samuel deserves to know.", I said feeling empathy for how she cared about the people she loved, I always admire that from her and everyone else in the family.

   There was a pause before she answers. I was still exploring for another book while we both stood in that rare silence that came between us. The silence was long enough until I was able to find a new book. I come back to sit in the chair right in front of her and start reading the book. "You're right, it'll be more exciting if it's going to be our little secret.", She finally answers. I smile at her and said, "Whatever you want Ruth."

   Lunchtime was close and we both decided to come back to the house to eat before continuing our research. It was like every other day, nothing out of the ordinary. Mother made a delicious lunch, we said our prayers, and ate our lunch with small talks in the middle of it. After that, we went back to our daily activities. It might seem simple and it is, but it is always special to me.

   Both Ruth and I went back to the library and continue our research. We searched numerous books from the shelf but can't seem to find the information we're looking for. We've found bits and pieces of information such as Silver Deers was commonly found in places such as the rain forest, grass field, and mountains. They usually come in a pack and transform to their full form to use their power to the maximum. We also found out that their favorite food is carrots, now we know what to feed Joy later on.

   Our main goal is to explore the power that Silver Deer holds. Sure we could wait for Joy to return and then we could ask him, but it is going to be easier if we understand him and know him a little bit better the next time he encountered us. As the day was getting colder and the night was young it got colder in the library so we decided to clean up our mess and continue researching with all the information that are written down in our room. All of us have the same room, it is one big room just for the kids so it'll be easy to tell them about Joy later on the night.

   "There you two are! You've been spending a whole day in that library. What are you guys doing, studying? You know it's summer break and you both don't have school.", Mother said welcoming us as we both enter the house after a whole day of researching. "Getting ourselves ready for some pop quiz after the break, you're never going to give us easy questions aren't you?", I said going along with her joke as everyone in the room laughs at my joke. Tonight we had dinner and as always there was a show that was made just for us by our beloved Michael and Sharen.

   We said our goodbyes to Mother, Aunt Erika, and grandma, brush our teeth, went to our room, and did our things. Sharen was brushing her hair, Michael was running away from William as they are playing tag, Joshua was trying to hide as he is part of the game, and both me and Ruth were going through our notes on my bed. Michael jumps on Petra's bed and so does William, 

"Got you! You're it!", William screamed not so loudly so that Aunty Erika could hear it.

   They both jump off the bed and start chasing each other once again. "Boys stop it!", Sharen said being the mature one and cleaning her older brother's bed. I looked at my family in front of me with a smile on my face, "Fort time!", I half-yelled as everyone except looked at me and half-screamed -except for Sharen- "Fort time!". We all collect the pillows and made a fort in the middle of the room.

   Sharen -was forced to join fort time- gently turn the candle on and put it in the middle so that everyone can see everyone. During fort time everyone was supposed to tell stories and entertain each other and tell each other secrets, we share every secret, and that's how strong our bond is. It is just a way for us to spend more quality time together, just the kids. "Alright let's start off the fort time from the oldest, youngest, then middle because me and Ruth have some new to tell!", I announced as everyone nodded in understanding.

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