Take It From a Drama

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On Friday, I had just finished a Korean Drama, called Pinocchio. From the months of watching, I finally see things that I never seen before. In those 20 episodes, I learned quite a bit, not just for love, but for my life decisions. I had never thought that so many things could be learned from a drama, like this.

But, because I don’t want to spoil it for you guys, here is a summary:

In the year 2000, a fireman finds himself in an illegal chemical fire, caused by these people. He is trapped inside, when the building collapses. In the weeks following, News Reporter Sung from MSC News reports that the fireman escaped the mission alive, running away from the fire.

The fireman’s wife commits suicide, leaving their two sons to care for themselves. They are separated, and news stations try to find the truth of the issue.

Their younger son, Ki Ha Myung, finds a family to life with. There are three in the family, a grandpa, an adult, and a girl his age, Choi In Ha. He is mistakenly add into record as the older brother of the adult, and filed as the name, Choi Dal Po. His “grandpa” had Alzheimer's, so he mistook Ha Myung for his dead son, Choi Dal Po.

Basically, Choi Dal Po and Choi In Ha go to school together, and eventually, Dal Po falls in love with her. Keep in mind that the two are LEGALLY uncle and niece. Dal Po is still devastated by the family loss.

After college, they become News Reporters. They go for different stations, Dal Po for YGN, and In Ha for MSC. Basically, they discover a bunch of cases. The most important still focuses on the case of the fire explosion, killing Dal Po’s dad.

They figure that Reporter Sung from MSC created all the false reports. They fight together, to prove to the world what she had said was wrong. Over time, they fall more and more in love.

But, the son of a millionaire becomes a News Reporter, and he eventually falls in love with In Ha. This creates an epic love triangle. But, In Ha can’t get her mind off of Dal Po.

From there, a whole bunch of plot twists happen, and the story ends with the marriage of Dal Po and In Ha. Dal Po asks to change his legal name back to Ha Myung, allowing their relationship. They are blessed by their grandpa, and the story ends with a smile on my face.


The plot of the story is SUPER complicated, but it’s interesting how the things all fit really well together. I cried a total of 3 times in the 20-episode long series. The first time I cried was at school, when the teacher played the part where the grandpa realizes that Dal Po is not his biological son. They cried together, and I kind of joined in…. :D

So, I want to list the lessons learned from the drama:

Rumors can hurt more that just the victim.

The truth will eventually come to be, sooner or later.

Deception is only temporary.

Even a small decision can turn into a situation you cannot break free of.

Better to keep a lie than to teach it.

To extinguish a lie, you must not fight it with another lie.

You cannot say that you are doing the right thing if you do exactly what the wrong influence does.

Sometimes, the truth is more important than happiness.

You don’t run away from something that is wrong, but you run when you are afraid of it.

In life, if you are a new to a group, you can’t expect ANYONE to change for you. You have to change to them.

If you truly love someone, you can’t let them be in pain if it is not what they want.

If you truly love someone, you should let them be in pain if it what they TRULY want.

Sometimes, you have to sacrifice love in order to achieve the truth.

When you truly love someone, you should not let them seek revenge.

Patience goes a long way.

Love takes time. If you truly love someone, do not pressure them to love you back.

Sometimes, family ties must be broken, if it is what is right.

The law cannot restrict love.

To be confined in a bubble of perfection will harm more than to be exposed to the world.

Do not make assumptions. Stick to what is truth.

Better not fight a lie if you cannot change it correctly.

        As for actual resources:

Achieving success through another person's misfortune is never worth it.

Telling the truth is always a good idea but it's not always easy to know what the truth is.

Families created out of love are closer than biological ones.

Don’t trust all news.

Let’s be honest, that’s a 5:1 ratio right there. I win.

But, it so cool how so many things in life can be explained in an hour of a drama. Watching this drama completely, I see just how life is complicated, and what I should do, to be a good influence.

Now, I want you guys to sacrifice about 1,200 minutes of your life, to watch this drama. I’m going to tell you, no other video series can come up with this many lessons.

I was captivated the whole time, and I just wish there was another drama, just as romantic and resourceful. This drama has been my outlet for my world problems. I cannot explain it well enough.

PLEASE watch it for me. Your life will change.

PLEASE use what I have said above into your personal life.  

PLEASE be a truth. DON’T be a lie.

The most important, PLEASE spread the word. Tell the world just what we need to learn.



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