To Be Loved (Part 5)

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  • Dedicated to My Crush

This one is going to be a bit short. You will also have to time-travel a bit more than usual.

Remember that campground, when I first had feelings for her? It was at the Galster Wilderness Park.

To me, nothing in my entire life will be able to compete with this one place. It was the founding of my love interest. It was a place where we bonded. It is the place we both call our favorite campsite.

On November 16, 2014, there was a camp at Galster. The moment I found out about this, I felt like laughing out loud. I loved everything that campsite had. It brought back so many memories, emotional and physical.

I remember the hike we took with the rest of our friends, late at night. The trail was steep, but the view of the city was amazing. On the way up, I remember you telling me that you loved this campsite because of this. The view.

I gazed with awe. At one point, I joked about how I left my glasses at home, so I couldn't see the city lights. Those brief minutes were everything. I loved every second of our time together... and with our friends.

As we hiked up further, I remember walking along-side you, and this one other girl that you knew. I remember you made a joke about me being there, saying that I liked that other girl. I smiled and denied it.

Occasionally, I would catch up to my other friends, but I would always find myself going by to your pace. As we hiked back down to camp, you said that you wanted to go again, to this place, every year.

I agreed, saying that I could never get over the view.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 20, 2015~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We found ourselves at a Christmas Party, with our friends. The issue with the emailing seemed to cease. I created a new email, and had created a new Wattpad account. We hadn't talked in a while.

At the event, I think I remember you asking me who I liked. I don't clearly remember specifically WHEN this happened, but I do remember you asking a couple times, before the event, on my old Wattpad account.

I laughed and said that I would tell you, when I had the time. A day later, I would do just that.

The rest of the story will continue from the next part of To Be Loved. That will be the last of the series, until I decide to continue writing about her, in the future. The next part will be really short, with some censored dialogue in between. It might be a bit confusing, but you will understand.

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