A Slice of Pizza

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A week or so ago, my Homeroom Class won a Scavenger Hunt competition. The prize was a pizza party. Today, 15 boxes of Ceaser's Pizza came in. So, it went something like this:

My best friend and I were just about to go find the ASB students, who were supposed to bring it. As we opened the door, the deliverers stopped outside of the classroom. I held the door open, for all the rampaging kids. Soon, everybody held a pizza in their hand. They all smiled and formed their social groups. I took one for myself. I nibbled at the slice, finding myself lost in the crowd. 

I was missing something. I felt different. Something wasn't right.

I looked at the slice in my hand. It steamed with flavor. It smelled delicious. It was new. 

I thought about the outsider. The one who gave us a fair result. The one who supplied us with the necessary information to win. 

Yes; I was thinking about the Cluster teacher. He was still inside the room. He was probably typing and organizing his classes. He might've been ignoring the laughter we were making. I felt really bad. I felt like I owed him something. 

Sure, he was really passive at times. And, he could be really strict. But, he still had a heart. 

Everyday, I would always next to his desk, with my closest friends. He would sometimes join in with our conversations. He could be a bit annoying, in the eyes of a teen. 

But, to me, I felt like he was alone. He was overweight. He was introverted. He was not expressive, like the other teachers. 

He was special. At times, I just want to have a one-on-one conversation with him. I just wish that we could have another half hour of Cluster. I don't know why, but I want to be the one who comforts him. Besides, I would have him for another 5 years. 

Picking up another slice, wrapped in a paper tissue, I sped anxiously to his desk. I gave him the slice, with a smile. He was surprised. He didn't expect such an act. 

I felt generous. Kind. Almost humble. 

I walked out the door with a grin on my face.


 Sometimes, I wonder what the world has become.


Why can't there still be people with respect? With generosity. With compassion. With a heart. 

Why do we stay so enclosed in our close friends? Why can't we reach out to those who need a friend?

Why does it have to be someone in your age? Why not that person that you see for an hour each day? 


I feel as if this new generation doesn't fully understand... life.


Why is it weird to befriend an adult? 

Why is it normal to chat through text with a friend?

Why do we act as if different people are untouchable?


For some reason, we aren't as social as before; 20 years ago. We are almost ignorant to others. Sometimes, even the well-taught kids forget to share. We will all forget to be good-hearted sooner or later. But, shouldn't it come naturally?


Born into a strictly respectful family, I am never hesitant to offer a hand to those in need. I am not shy about making people feel respected or loved. I naturally cannot handle the fact that someone is alone. 

I know it's not the fact that people come from different races, since we all aren't the same. 

I know it's not the level of parental strictness, because there are different reactions to the pain. 


I believe that it is our own minds. We choose what we do. We choose who we accept. We choose to remain in solitude. 

In the end, it is worthless to recite arguments and not state the solution.  So, I will say this:

We have to be more aware of who we are living with. We have to have open arms. We have to ACCEPT.

Accept success. 

Accept failures.

Accept opinions. 

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