Chapter Seven

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5 November, 1942
Evangeliya's pov

I will not cower before a man. Not a Slavic man, not a British man. Lucius Avery has been cruel to me since the moment we met, but he does not know who I am. He doesn't realize his own stupidity, for his pride is too blinding and his power here at Hogwarts is too strong, that much is clear.

In truth, I'm grateful for the Slytherin common room and dormitories being underground, there's less light to bother me as I woke up the next morning to my head aching as if a million tiny sorcerers were aiming a fifth of the cruciatus curse at my head.

I had drank too carelessly the night before, in an attempt to be included in a foolish game with my friends. It was a moment of weakness. I was woken up by the cold air as Walburga ripped my comforter off of my body, I groaned in response.

"Get up!" She sang. "We've still got lessons, reputations, we can not miss any classes simply because things got too out of hand last night. Here, drink this." Walburga tossed a glass bottle filled with a dark blue liquid onto my bed and she began to brush her hair.

"What's this?" I ask, sitting up slowly and rubbing my foggy eyes.

"It's a tonic." She said over her shoulder. "We all needed it, drink up, it'll help your headache."

I pulled the glass stopper out of the bottle and began to drink. The tonic was bitter and bubbly, slightly burning my throat as I swallowed it. "I knew that I shouldn't have played that game last night." I sighed, rubbing my eyes once more before standing up, my headache had gone exceptionally quickly and I began dressing for my day.

I felt a twinging sting as I slipped my arms through the sleeves of my shirt, and removed it once again to examine the pain. A large gash sat on my forearm, wide enough for a roach to place itself on comfortably and fit as perfect as a puzzle piece. I remembered now where this gash came from. Lucius wanted to overpower me, I wouldn't let him. Pride is a dangerous sin, especially when intoxicated.

"You wouldn't let me heal it last night." Said Walburga from behind her. "Said you wouldn't give him the satisfaction."

"And I still won't." I said simply, putting my shirt back on and buttoning it swiftly. "That boy puts no fear in my heart, I am not intimidated by him, I am not threatened by him. He is nothing to me, if he were in my country, my school, he wouldn't survive a day, however, I am in his. Socially my power here is weakened but mentally and physically it is not, and he will not be the reason I forget that."

I'd finished dressing as I said this, and went on to tidy up my hair and apply a bit of makeup, by now Medusa would be at breakfast and Rosetta still showering. Walburga and I made our way to the great hall, where Abraxas and Nott sat together in our regular spot.

"Can we help you, boys?" Said Walburga in a strong clear voice. She always had to be announced, she wasn't too shy or kind to raise her voice at anyone.

"Oh, Eve, are you alright?" Said Elias instantly at the sight of me. "Honestly, I don't know what was going through Avery's head he—"

"I'm fine, Elias." I assured him.

"Surely you've mended it by now?" Said Abraxas, though Walburga only scoffed.

"Surely you don't care now?" She smiled sarcastically. "I didn't see you two making a fuss when the incident actually occurred.

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