1: Sold

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"Hey, 'Zuku, honey, w-wake up..." 

Izuku slowly opened his eyes, immediately spotting his mother. She was crouched near the bed, tears filling her eyes. She reeked of beer and wine, since she had gone out to gamble the night prior. It was her routine. Every Friday night, Inko Midoriya left the comfort of her home to go to the nearest Casino, for she loved to gamble. 

"Wha- Mom, what's wrong?" The boy spoke, squinting his eyes as he sat up in bed. The soft blanket slid off of his bare chest, making him shiver as the cool air hit him. He eventually managed to get used to the light, and he then looked at his sobbing mother. 

"I-Izuku... I'm sorry... I love you, sweetie. I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..." She continued, taking her son into her arms. The teen hugged his parent back, confused about the whole situation. However, his thoughts were cut short by his mother's voice resonating in the room once more. 

"I sold you... I-I sold you to... To a Mafia Boss... It was an accident, 'Zuku... I'm sorry. But he was going to kill us! I'm in debt, 'Zuku... I'm sorry..." The older woman sobbed. Midoriya's eyes widened to his mother's words. He looked down, tears forming in his eyes. It didn't come to a surprise to him, since he knew his mother was practically obsessed with gambling. He knew that one day, she was going to be in debt. But he never imagined to have their lives on the line, and him being sold off to a Mafia Boss. Heck, he didn't even know Mafia people lived in Japan. But here he was, getting dressed. It felt as if he was moving out of an orphanage, ready to get adopted. His mind clouded with mixed thoughts. He didn't know what to expect. He knew some men were waiting patiently for him in the kitchen, and that they were the ones that were going to escort him to the Mafia Boss' hideout. But other than that, he had no idea what he was getting into. 

Was he going to get killed? Nobody knows. His mother sold him to an unknown, powerful man. An Alpha. Izuku, a Male Omega, would be found useless to an Alpha like that. An Alpha with power has no need for a worthless Omega like him.  

Midoriya glanced in his mirror, shakily fixing his blouse, before running his fingers through his messy, green hair. He then turned around, grabbing a few things. All of this was so sudden. He was terrified. Yet, he had no choice. This was it. He was surely done for. 

Hi there!

Thanks for reading the very first chapter of The Boss' Omega! I hope you enjoyed it!

This book is special, since the idea came from a BakuDeku Book Contest. I held the contest from December 25th to January 1st. I received a lot of ideas, and I loved all of them very much. But- I had to chose a winner.

And the winner is:


Congratulations to them!

Their idea was to have a Mafia MPreg AU. Even though there were many other great ideas, I decided to try out something different. So, here we are!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of this story, and don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks, and have a nice day!

-Sucky Author 

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