5: Heat

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A long whine resonated around the room while Midoriya shifted under his blankets. The Omega panted loudly, trying to find comfort. However, he couldn't. He'd been trying to find a comfortable position for the past 2 hours, and he'd been failing miserably. 

He knew what was going on: He was starting a heat. Every 28 days, Omegas receive heats. Sometimes, they don't even notice, and sometimes, they're really painful. Usually, when Omegas go through their heats, they let off a sweet scent, that attracts Alphas. Izuku's never had a very strong scent, so no Alpha never got attracted to him during his heats. But it was still noticeable. 

The greenette flipped over once again, panting loudly. He felt hot, and he was clearly sweating. The greenette looked around, hoping to find some kind of way to keep cool. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything. No fan, no window, nothing. No way to keep his temperature down. Midoriya whined, trying to haul himself out of bed. His efforts led to nothing, since his arms and legs were weak from how hot and tired he was. 

Therefore, he figured he had one more option left. Even though he didn't like the idea, he had no choice. He felt as if he was dying. 

"M... Mister... Ah, darn it. Sero... Sero!" Izuku called, as loud as he could. He looked towards his bedroom door, not hearing anything. Hanta Sero was one of Katsuki's assistants. He worked the night shift, so he took Kirishima's place. Izuku hadn't had the chance to meet him properly, and this wasn't the way he wanted to do it, either. However... 

"Serooo! SERO!!" Midoriya yelled, feeling a new wave of heat come over him. The Omega whined, rolling over. He struggled to take off his shirt, and tears formed his eyes as he tried. After several attempts, he managed to take off his top. He was now lying in bed, wearing nothing but his boxers. Suddenly, a rattle was heard from outside his room, and the door creaked open. In the doorway stood a young, handsome man, with black hair. He seemed a bit worried, and exhausted. So, he probably heard his calls, and ran up to him. 

For some reason, Izuku couldn't control his tears anymore. They kept pouring out non-stop, which led him to quietly sob as well. Hanta stepped into the room, his nose scrunching at his first step. He immediately recognized the smell, since he stepped out once more. The man blushed slightly, and then smiled softly. 

"Do you need anything? If you want, I can go get the boss for you..." The man spoke, cocking his head to the side. Izuku looked down, rubbing his eyes gently. All he wanted was to get rid of this extreme heat he was feeling. However, when the greenette looked up again, the doorway was empty. Hanta had left, and Midoriya hadn't even noticed. Izuku looked down again, fiddling with his fingers as his tears fell on his thighs. He wiped them away, as well as the ones on his cheeks, before letting out a shaky sigh. He lied down, spreading his arms and legs as he did so. He suddenly felt a bit cooler, but still so hot. It confused him, and frustrated him too. All he wanted was to sleep.

"Ah, Jeez, thanks Sero, I'll take it from here. Hey, you all good? What's happening?"

Midoriya opened his eyes, spotting Bakugou's face right above his. He seemed worried, and unsure of what to do. Izuku closed his eyes again, letting a groan escape his lips as he rolled over. His stomach felt all weird all of a sudden. Ever since Bakugou stepped into the room, a warm feeling popped up in his abdomen. He didn't mind it, but it made him uncomfortable. It's as if he was hungry. But not for food. As if he was hungry for something else... He'd never felt this way before, so it was hard to tell what was happening with him. 

After several seconds of complete silence, Midoriya looked over his shoulder, seeing a blush visible on the Alpha's face. He didn't know why, but Katsuki seemed quite flustered. Then, it clicked. Bakugou was sitting close to him, which meant he was most likely taking in most of his scent. 

Izuku looked back towards his hands, unsure of how to react. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders. And just like that, Midoriya wasn't hot anymore. However, he now had another problem. Katsuki had lied down behind him, holding him close. But Izuku could clearly feel something poking into his hip, and he knew exactly was it was. 

The greenette gently shifted his hips, earning a groan from the Alpha. He felt his cheeks turn red to the sound, but he couldn't help it. For some reason, he wanted to do this. He wanted to feel things... And was quite ashamed of it too. 

His heart racing in his chest, Izuku flipped over to face the Alpha. Their eyes met, making Midoriya flush red. However, the awkward moment was disturbed by a sudden movement, created by the blonde. In a swift move, Katsuki pinned down the greenette, having both of his freckled hands pinned down on the bed. His dick painfully rubbed against the fabric of his pants, making his fidget. 

Izuku, on the other hand, was frozen. Not in fear, nor in shock. He just, couldn't find the strength to move. And, for some unknown reason, he wanted for Bakugou to get closer to him. Just drop down onto his chest, and let the blonde's hands travel along his body. He wanted to experience the touch of an Alpha. More specifically, he wanted to experience it with Bakugou. 

A soft moan resonated, and the sound of skin slapping against each other echoed throughout the room. The bed creaking and slamming against the wall at the speed Bakugou was going. Sweat dripping from both males as they neared their climaxes.  

"Ah~ Ah~ Oh~ K-KATS- G-GAH~ OH... OH MY GOD~" Izuku moaned loudly, his back arching as pleasure overtook him. Katsuki picked up the speed, lifting both of the Omega's legs next to his head, pounding deeper into the quivering male. A groan escaped Bakugou's lips, a smirk drawing itself as well. 

Within several seconds, Katsuki released his load inside the Omega, watching as Midoriya whined. He took, eventually came, releasing his load onto his own torso and the bedsheets.

After catching his breath, Bakugou sat on the edge of the bed, and put on his underwear, and sweatpants. He kept his eyes glued to the floor, not wanting to stare at the Omega, thinking it would be rude. It took a few minutes before Izuku was good again. After all, he'd just lost his virginity. His very first time. 

Midoriya looked down, seeing the mess they had created, spread across his bedsheets. He grabbed a clean sheet, pulling it onto his bare body. He looked down, his face turning red. All he could remember was being cuddled, and fragments of the sexual scene they had just shared. The greenette blushed, squeezing his eyes shut for a few seconds. His waist hurt, and so did his thighs. Other parts of his body were sore, but Izuku tried his best to ignore the uncomfortable pains.  

"I wasn't too rough, was I?" Katsuki soft voice was soothing to Izuku, who's heat had calmed down a bit. 

"N-No... It's f-fine." The freckled male spoke, blushing madly. He looked over to the blonde who was staring at the mess. He sighed, looking up to Midoriya. 

"Can you walk?" The Alpha questioned, tilting his head to the side. Izuku looked down. 

"Uh, well... I'm not s-" Before the teen could finish his sentence, he was surprised by Bakugou's arms, wrapping around him. Midoriya looked down, watching as Katsuki wrapped him in a clean blanket, and then picked him up. Izuku stayed quiet as the boss carried him outside his bedroom, and down the hall. After about three minutes of walking, Midoriya was brought into the Alpha's bedroom. To be completely honest, Izuku wasn't against what had happened in the past hour or so. He'd actually enjoyed himself. 

But then, why did it feel so wrong?

WELP- I haven't written smut in a while... I hope it didn't suck. Let me know what you thought in the comments below, please.

And don't forget to vote!

-Sucky Author

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