3: Rooms

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The scent of the boss' cologne filled Izuku's nostrils as they walked. The greenette's eyes were glued on the man's back as he followed him through a hall. The strange man hadn't introduced himself yet, so Midoriya didn't know how to start a conversation with him just yet. So, he decided to wait it out. Wait until the man introduced himself. 

"We're here, this is your room." The Alpha suddenly spoke, stopping in his tracks. His hand pointed towards a wooden door, which seemed quite fancy since it had beautiful designs carved into it. A black plate was also hung on the door, with the name Midoriya written neatly on it. Izuku looked at the door, unsure whether he should open it or not. However, his trail of thoughts was abruptly cut off when the man opened the door himself. The tall blonde then nodded towards the room, indicating for Midoriya to enter. 

The greenette shyly stepped inside the room, setting his bag next to the door. He then looked up, and his eyes widened in shock. The room seemed ten times bigger than his own house, and the inside of it was luxurious. A large, queen sized bed was set in the middle of the room, against the wall. It's frame was made of dark wood, and just like the door, had designs carved into them. To the right side of the room, there was a desk, and a door. On the door, a small sign indicated that it led to a private restroom. The ceiling was white, unlike the gray walls, and held a trail of beautiful lights, which lit up the room perfectly. To the left of the room, there was another door, which Izuku assumed was the closet. Next to it, was a mirror, and a decent-sized vanity. 

Midoriya's eyes trailed off to his feet. He was standing on a soft, white rug. However, this carpet only covered a few square feet. The rest of the room had shiny, marble floorings. And, to top it all off, there were several shopping bags, resting against the bed. They seemed to hold something, so Izuku mindlessly made his way towards them, curious to see what was inside the variety of bags. Once he arrived next to them, he decided to pick one up, and set it on the bed. He looked over to the Alpha, who was still standing next to the door, staring at him. 

"Can I-?" The Omega questioned, pointing to the blue bag he had just chosen. The blonde nodded with a smile, and Izuku opened the bag. He reached inside, and pulled out clothing. Not only random shirts, but tuxedos, and nice suits for him to wear. They were all his size, which meant they were most likely his. The greenette ended up opening all of the bags, setting each piece of clothing on his bed in a neat pile. After he was done admiring the room and his new items, he turned to the Alpha, who was still patiently waiting with a smile. 

"Thank you, for all this..? Uh..." The small male spoke, looking down. He wanted to ask the man about his plans for him. Was he planning on killing him, or making him his slave? If that were the case, then why would he have received so many wonderful things? Unfortunately, the words just couldn't come out of the freckled boy's mouth. 

And awkward silence roamed around the room for a few minutes, making Izuku feel quite lonely, and uncomfortable. However, this all changed when the ash-blonde Alpha approached him, with a guilty smile. The man sat down on the bed, in front of Midoriya, who was still awkwardly standing. 

"I'm sorry... I don't think I've properly introduced myself." The man started, looking up to the boy. Izuku's gaze softened, suddenly feeling a bit safer around the male. 

"My name is Katsuki Bakugou. I run this Mafia, and it's been given to me by my father, who recently retired from this spot. I'm 20 years old, and in case you're wondering - Which I'm pretty sure you have been - I'm not going to cause you any harm. All of this is sudden for you, I understand that. But I hope you can find comfort in this place, and someday accept it as your new home. If ever you need anything at all, you can come to me, or Kirishima, my assistant. I warn you, he can be quite chatty. Speaking of him. he should be arriving in a few minutes, to escort you around the place, and show you around." The blonde spoke, keeping a warm smile on his face. Izuku smiled back, hesitant, but somewhat happy. He then watched as the Alpha stood up again, nodded, and walked out the door. 

Midoriya looked around the room, taking a seat on his bed. A smile crept onto his face as he stared at the bathroom door. Then, out of curiosity, he stood up, and made his way towards it. Once there, he opened the door, and peeked inside. To his surprise, the restroom was quite large, and luxurious, like his bedroom. A toilet was placed in the corner, and the floors were covered with a white carpet, just like the one in front of his door. A sink was placed on the left side of the bathroom, and the shower was to the right. It wasn't exactly a shower- More of a bathtub. But Izuku was amazed by how beautiful the building is on the inside. He surely wasn't expecting something like this, not one bit. 

The greenette kept examining his private bathroom for a few minutes, before he got startled by the sound of a door opening. He quickly made his way out of the room, tripping on the carpet a few times as he did so. He immediately spotted the familiar red haired male from earlier. This time, a large smile was plastered on the man's face, and he seemed much more approachable. Izuku shyly smiled, a bit embarrassed by the fact that he had just ran out of the bathroom like an idiot. 

"Hi, are you ready for your... Luxurious Tour?" The man faked an accent, and pretended to play with his imaginary mustache, which made Midoriya laugh. The curly haired boy nodded, following the older man out of the bedroom, back into the hall. 

They made their way around the place pretty easily. Izuku was shown the lobby, the main bathroom, the boss' bedroom, the kitchen, the dinning room, and a game room. Multiple rooms were not being used, but that didn't phase Izuku one bit. After all, there's only so much you can do with a room... And giving the large amount of rooms in the building, it made sense that some of them weren't being used. 

Midoriya's favorite room was probably The Great Hall. The room had no name, but Izuku liked to call it that, since it reminded him of a castle's great hall. In short, his favorite room was the one he first came into. The large chandelier was his favorite thing, too. The pretty rainbow patterns it made on the walls were beautiful, and the boy would find himself staring at the for a large amount of time, without even noticing. 

After the tour was over, he headed back to his bedroom. He wanted to unpack the few things he had brought along with him, from his home. However, the thought of this saddened him. He didn't like the fact that he was leaving his mother all alone. What if she gets ill? Or gets hurt? She's all alone now. 

The 18-Year-old sighed loudly as he put away the last bit of clothing into his closet. He turned around, making his way towards the bed. He placed his hand on the silk blankets, before sitting down. He once again admired his surrounding, before a knocking sound resonated in the room, making him flinch. 

"C-Come in..?" Izuku spoke, unsure. He watched as the door creaked open, and Katsuki slipped into the room, before behind him. 

"I hope I'm not bothering you, am I?" The blonde spoke, smiling softly at the Omega. Midoriya gently shook his head, looking down. The thought of his mother lingered in his mind. He didn't like it. 

"It's getting late. I wanted to tell you supper's almost ready." The boss claimed, stuffing his hands in his jacket's pocket. Izuku looked up to the blonde, smiling and nodding. 

"Thanks, I'll be downstairs in a minute." The curly-haired boy spoke. He must've spoken a bit off, since the boss seemed to notice something was wrong, and sat down next to the Omega. 

"What's on your mind?" The blonde spoke, a hint of concern in his voice. Izuku hesitated for a moment, before sighing in defeat. What's he got to lose?

"I'm just worried about my mom. She's all alone at home, and anything could happen to her. I'm just, not used to leaving her behind like this- Gosh, I still can't believe she sold me!" Izuku grumbled, stuffing his face in his hands in frustration. Bakugou scoffed, looking down with a smirk. 

"Oh come on, I'll bring you to see her tomorrow, if you want to. It's not like she sold you off, and that she's not allowed to see you ever again, y'know? All she sold was your hand in marriage to me. That's all. Now hurry up, supper's waiting." Katsuki spoke, gently tapping the boy's back, before walking out. Midoriya nodded, looking down. 

He was then left alone once more. He didn't mind it though. Especially when it helped him realize things.


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