4: Back Home

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"Good morning, did you sleep well?" 

Izuku rolled over in bed, rubbing his eyes. He squinted his eyes, trying to see who had just entered the room. After several seconds, his eyes eventually adjusted to the light, and he could very well see Katsuki, standing there, with a smile. The blonde was wearing a red blouse, where the two first buttons were unbuttoned. His black pants were being held up by the same belt he had worn on the day prior. A nice necklace hung from around his neck, topping off the outfit. The greenette smiled softly, sitting up in bed. 

"Not really." He mumbled, the blankets sliding off his pajamas. Katsuki's smile faded as he approached the bed. 

"Is it the mattress? I can order another one if it's the mattress..." The blonde spoke. Izuku smirked and shook his head. 

"No, no. It's not the mattress. I just have a hard time sleeping in new places... Plus, I had a lot on my mind." The small boy giggled. Bakugou's mouth opened for a second, before closing again. He then nodded, before shifting his feet. 

"Well, I'll get going, give you some time to get dressed, and come down for breakfast. It's pancakes, so if you don't like it, I'd be happy to make you something else-?" Katsuki stated. Midoriya shook his head, smiling softly. 

"No, it's fine. I'll meet you in the dining room in a minute." The greenette spoke. He then watched as the Alpha smiled and left the room. As soon as the door closed, Midoriya stepped out of bed, and made his way towards his closet, where he took out a nice, white blouse, and pair of grey jeans. A nice pair of black shoes were also picked out, before the greenette made his way towards the bathroom. Once there, he splashed a bit of water in his face, trying to make himself look a bit more awake. He then grabbed a small towel and wiped away the excess water. 

The Omega quickly glanced in the mirror, before grabbing a toothbrush, and the toothpaste tube. Next up, he brushed his teeth, and tried to comb his hair as much as he could. After that, he turned around and walked out the room. He grabbed the clothes he had picked out and removed his pajamas. 

Within several minutes, the boy was staring at his reflection. Even though he thought he looked quite nice, he wasn't able to smile. He was glad that he was going to see his mother today, since he wanted to ask her something: Did she sell him, or his hand in marriage?  

The thought of getting married with a Mafia Boss was probably what kept him awake during the night. After a few minutes of doing nothing, Izuku decided it'd be time to go have breakfast. So, he walked out his room, and into the empty halls. The sound of his footsteps resonated throughout the place, making him scoff at how unbelievably big the place was. It didn't seem like that on the outside, not one bit. 

After a few minutes of walking, the young boy arrived at the dining room, where Katsuki and some of his assistants were eating. Nearly immediately, Bakugou smiled at him, and invited him to take a seat next to him. Like the night prior, Izuku gladly accepted and sat down next to the blonde, before beginning to eat his pancakes. He tried his best to finish them as soon as he could but had to be careful not to make any messes. After all, he wanted to see his mother as soon as he could.

After having finished his meal, Izuku quickly brought his dirty dish to the kitchen, where the chef, Rikido Sato, gladly took it from him to wash it, along with the rest of the dirty dishes. Normally, Izuku would help when it came to chores, around his house. But now that he's moved into the Mafia world, he's treated as a true king. He doesn't mind it, even though he's got a lot to deal with. Like the night prior, where Katsuki had told him about the fact that he'd not only been sold, but he was going to be forced to marry Katsuki.

This was mainly the reason Izuku hadn't slept well. But hopefully, he was going to have things cleared out, once he'd see his mother again. Hopefully.

After everything was set and done, Midoriya and Bakugou made their way to the car. The same one that had brought Izuku to this place. And the same man drove them there. He had orangey hair, with a black stripe in it. That confirmed, he was most likely the chauffeur. Which meant his name was Denki Kaminari... At least, that's what Katsuki told him.

On the way to Izuku's home, the greenette wouldn't stop fidgeting in his seat. The scenery started to look more familiar, meaning he was most likely approaching his home... Which also meant he'd get answers. 

Within several more minutes, Izuku and the Mafia Boss had made it to his home. As the vehicle pulled up in the driveway, Midoriya unbuckled his seatbelt, smiling wide as the car stopped. He then opened his door, even if the chauffeur was supposed to open it for him and ran towards the house. Without a second thought, Izuku opened the front door, revealing his shocked mother. She obviously hadn't noticed that he had arrived and had gotten startled by the sound of the door. However, the terrified expression softened, as tears formed in her eyes. The woman's knees buckled beneath her, but she didn't fall. She simply limped forward, throwing herself at her son. Izuku caught her, of course, and they both hugged for a very long time. Inko was crying, unable to believe that her son had returned, even after being sold off. 

"Mom..." The curly haired boy whispered, rubbing circles on her back. He wanted to ask her about the deal, but his words got cut off by his mother's voice.

"Izuku, how did you escape? You're going to... To get us killed!" She sobbed, hiding her face in the boy's shirt, her tears dampening the fabric. Midoriya smirked, looking back towards the door, where Kaminari and Bakugou were standing quietly. 

"Mom, I didn't escape..." He giggled, looking back towards the chubby lady. "I asked Mister Bakugou to being me here today, since I wanted to talk to you." Midoriya continued, glancing over to the two men, who were still standing a few meters away. Eventually, Inko pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears with a smile. She seemed relieved. Apparently, she too thought they weren't going to be able to see each other anymore. 

After a few minutes of explanations, Izuku learned that his mother had not sold HIM, but his HAND IN MARRIAGE. The deal was: If Bakugou won, he would marry Inko's first born Omega... Which was Izuku. If Inko won, she would have won over 10 thousand dollars. Unfortunately for them, Inko lost, which is why Izuku was forced to move in with the intimidating Alpha. 

Honestly, Izuku was glad that he was getting married. Ever since he was a little boy, he'd always imagined his perfect wedding. Now, he's marrying a wealthy man, so he's most likely going to take advantage of that. He doesn't want to sound greedy or anything, he just wanted a beautiful wedding, since that's most likely the only good thing to him right now. Getting married so young wasn't exactly his plan for his life, but it ended up being better than getting sold off and killed. At least this way, he's in good hands. 

Things could be worse. But it's not. So, he's thankful for that much.

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