9: Running Away

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"Are you sure-? Kacchan, this is a big decision you're making. Do your parents know?" 

"My parents aren't the ones running this Mafia anymore. I'm about to have my very own family, and I don't want my kid to have a childhood like mine." 

"But, Kacchan-" 

"No buts. My decision's been made. Tonight, Monoma will be here. And I'll gamble, then purposely lose to him."

"Bakugou! Long time no see." Monoma chanted, walking into the building. Katsuki clutched his fist, shaking the male's hand. 

"Yeah. Nice of you to invite me to gamble." He lied, seeing the amused smirk on Neito's face. 

"Of course, after all! You're about to become a father. By the way, the baby shower last week was nice. Now, should we discuss what we're gambling for-?" 

Bakugou led his guest to a room, nodding. 

"How about our Mafias?" He spoke. To these words, Monoma smiled widely. He had a trick up his sleeve. Cheating. He was definitely going to win. No doubt about it. So why not gamble for their Mafias?

"Sounds good. Are you sure though?" The blue-eyed man snickered, sitting down. He watched as Katsuki sat down, at the other side of the table. 

"I'm sure." 

Izuku fiddled with his fingers, looking down to his feet. He'd been sitting there for nearly an hour, waiting for Katsuki and Neito to come out of the room. He knew about Bakugou's plan, and wasn't too sure about it. But if Katsuki really wanted this, then he was going to support him. 

Suddenly, the door opened, and both men walked out. They shook hands, and Monoma left in complete silence. 

"Uh... So...?" Izuku mumbled, staring at his husband. Katsuki sighed, kissing the freckled male's forehead. 

"The Mafia's his. We have to be out by tomorrow." The blonde spoke, a smile appearing on his face. "The men will be here in about 2 hours. So, all we have to do now, is empty the rest of the rooms." 

A loud laugh resonated in the alleyway, as Neito swung the door open. He walked glanced back at the sunrise, before walking into the building. He had a brand new building all to himself! And he had won it from Katsuki! 

The blonde's wide smile faded as he entered the building. It was empty. The marble walls were cracked, and torn down, leaving nothing but old wood. The marble floorings were all cracked as well. The large chandelier wasn't there anymore. The staircases were all dented, as if a heavy mass had fallen onto them. Everything was destroyed. 

Katsuki had somehow managed to move everything outside the building on time, and had the time to destroy everything else inside of it. 


Izuku rubbed his stomach, watching as the movers entered the building, with furniture. 

"I'm so happy." A voice growled. Midoriya looked back, seeing Bakugou approach him. The blonde gently pressed a kiss against the greenette's lips. "I'm finally going to have a normal life. A normal house, a normal job, a loving husband, and a kid- Or more." The blonde mumbled, looking up to the men. Izuku smiled, seeing the happiness on the Alpha's face. 

"Yeah... But, Kacchan- What did you do with everyone- Your empolyees?" Midoriya questioned, thinking about the friends he had made during the last year. 

"They all got laid off. And I recommended them for other good jobs. They'll all be fine. Plus, I told them they'd be invited here whenever they'd like to come." Katsuki claimed, looking down to the smaller male. Midoriya smiled, kissing his husband's cheek. 

"I'm so proud of you."

The End! 

I hope you enjoyed this story! If so, go check some of my other ones! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks so much for reading! 

Have a nice day! 

-Sucky Author

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