6: Unexpectedly Expecting

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"Again. Come on, don't keep it in, it'll only make it worse." 

Katsuki's voice seemed fuzzy to Izuku, who had his head inside the toilet bowl. It had been like this for three mornings now. Every time he'd wake up, he'd throw up. At first, Midoriya thought it was only stress. After all, he and Bakugou had been planning the wedding a lot lately. They had even decided a date, too. November 8th. Bakugou was the one who chose the date. But as long as it was after July, it would have been okay, since that meant Midoriya would be able to legally marry the blonde. 

Now, it was August 23rd, Izuku had been living with the Mafia for about 2 months. He'd lost his virginity about 5 weeks ago. He'd turned 19, so he was now considered an adult. In short, a lot of changes had happened to Midoriya, ever since he'd moved in. Some of them were good, and some of them, he didn't like. But he managed to move on. 

"Come on." Katsuki spoke, rubbing the greenette's back in circles. He helped the freckled boy to stand up, and walked him towards his bed. Midoriya immediately sat down, trembling. He watched as Bakugou wrapped him up into a blanket, stroking his green curls a while too. 

This was one change. One change that Izuku wasn't sure how to feel about. An unexpected pregnancy. After Izuku had been sick for 2 days in a row, Bakugou decided to have his personal doctor come to check him. And, they found out that Midoriya had gotten pregnant from the little incident from a few weeks prior. 

It had been a whole day, that both boys knew about this. But nobody spoke about it. Nobody wanted to. It was awkward. Izuku didn't like this, of course, since he wanted to talk about it. He hadn't brought it up, in case Katsuki didn't want to. 

"Get some rest." Bakugou spoke, pulling the blankets over the Omega. Izuku whined, lying down. He watched as the Alpha tucked him in neatly, and kissed his forehead. He then made his way towards the door, dimming the lights, before walking out. Leaving Midoriya on his own... Again. 




"Boss, a delivery just arrived." Eijirou spoke, entering the room. Katsuki looked up from his files, confused. 

"Put it over there." He spoke, looking back down. Kirishima sighed, putting down the large box. 

"What're you working on?" The tall male asked, tilting his head. He watched as his boss fiddled with some papers. 

"I'm trying to make this wedding happen sooner. With Izuku being pregnant, we don't have enough time. Or he won't fit in a tux." The blonde spoke. Eijirou rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, breathing through his teeth. 

"I still don't get why you're so strict when it comes to marriages and weddings and stuff... You don't seem to be that kind of guy. Plus, can't you just - Push it back? Give Midoriya time to give birth? You could get married after!" The red head spoke with a bright smile. Bakugou grumbled, sitting back in his chair. 

"We don't have that kind of time. I have to get married as soon as possible." He groaned, rubbing his temples. Kirishima visibly frowned. 

"Why? There's no rush!" Eijirou argued, stepping forward. 

"THERE IS A DAMN RUSH, OKAY? I'm expecting a child, and I'm getting married to somebody who doesn't love me! And- My parents want to meet him. But they don't know this is an arranged marriage. They think, that I honestly fell in love. And I have. But Izuku's still terrified of me. Jesus, I even impregnated him!" The blonde sighed. "I'm screwed." He mumbled, looking down. A silence roamed around the room, before the servant spoke again. 

"Listen, I'm positive that Midoriya isn't afraid of you. And I'm sure that if you talk to him about this whole  arranged wedding, hook-up, pregnancy and parent meeting thing! I mean, he's a pregnant Omega, I'm sure he's stressed out of his mind right now, boss!" The male spoke. "I'm pretty sure he'll app-" Eijirou's words were cut short when a loud bang was heard. His eyes trailed off to the blonde, who had just slammed his fist on his desk. 

"I can't deal with this shit right now, you... You shitty hair. Leave. Leave right now, Kirishima. I'm the one who saved you from near-death, I can put you back into that state easily. Leave." The Alpha spoke, running his fingers through his ash-blonde hair. Eijirou pouted sadly, looking down. He nodded, quietly, walking out the room. 

Katsuki looked around, panting. He glanced at the brown box, which was placed next to the door. He stood up, making his way towards it. He quickly pulled out his pocket-knife, cutting through the clear layer of tape, to open it. Within a few minutes, Bakugou was holding two large, dark wooden rods. He looked down into the box, containing the rest of the disassembled crib. A smile crept onto his face to the thought of one day placing his child into this crib. But his smile faded when he thought of Midoriya.

He had forced the greenette to marry him, had impregnated him, and was now avoiding the subject, because he was such a coward. The thought of his parents finding out about this scared him even more. His mother had always wanted him to find someone special, and to be loved back. But if she found out that he had won Midoriya's hand in marriage, she would surely be disappointed. 

The blonde pushed the box into his bedroom, where he placed it next to his closet. He had ordered other things as well. Like: A tuxedo for his wedding, a changing table for his unborn child, small pajamas as well as some outfits, and multiple little things. Diapers, pacifiers, teddy bears, small blankets, bottles... Anything a baby would need, he had bought. He didn't want to forget anything. Not one thing. Therefore, the male had spent two days in front of his laptop, searching the internet for everything a child would need. And he ordered everything. Money wasn't an issue to him, thankfully. 


The blonde flinched at the sudden sound, and immediately turned around. His gaze softened as he spotted Izuku, shyly standing in his bedroom's doorway. 

"Am I bothering you?" The greenette sniffled, wiping away a tear. Bakugou frowned. 

"You're not bothering me..? What're you doing up, I just tucked you in about an hour ago..." The Alpha spoke, approaching the crying Omega. Midoriya shifted, shaking his head. 

"I'm sorry... I couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking about it." The small male sobbed. Katsuki reached out, pulling the curly-haired male into a hug. 

"Thinking about what?" The blonde questioned. He felt the Omega move around in his arms, before a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. 

"The baby. And the wedding." Izuku whispered, nuzzling his face into the taller man's chest. Bakugou sighed, slowly walking the greenette towards his bed. Once there, they both sat down, and decided to talk about things. 

Bakugou immediately explained that he had planned out everything for their wedding, and that he was currently trying to figure out a new date. Once Midoriya was aware of this, he disagreed. He wanted to get married on November 8th, as planned. So, Katsuki decided to shrug it off. After that, they spoke about the child, growing inside of the Omega's abdomen. This took off a lot of stress for Izuku, who had been worrying about the subject for days. They also spoke about Katsuki's parents, who wanted to meet Izuku. Of course, the Omega was excited about this: His first time meeting his future-husband's parents. A big deal! Naturally, Katsuki asked the boy if he could pretend they weren't arranged. The greenette hesitated, but nodded in approval. 

In short, they spent the day clearing things out between one another. And eventually, it was time to go to bed. The day had gone by in a flash, which made Izuku think. If one day with Bakugou went by so quickly, then getting married to him should be a blast. After all, he does get along pretty well with the Alpha. 

So getting married with him shouldn't be much trouble. Right?

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