~How to Handle Dance and School~

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Hey everyone! It's Emmy!

Sometimes being a dancer and having school can be stressful. Us dancers have jam packed schedules, with dance AND school (😭). We come home from school then go to dance basically straight away, not to mention we stay at the studio till like, midnight. Okay, not midnight, but it's a long time anyways.

It can be extremely stressful, and with all these rehearsals, sometimes we don't get enough down time.

• Take a deep breath. Just sit down for a minute, whether it's at home, school or when you're on a break at dance, and breath in and out.

• Write a list of things you're great fun for each day. This actually helps me to calm down and be less stressed.

• When possible, do your homework at lunch/free periods. This saves time after school, and you won't have to do as much homework in the afternoons.

• Have at least an hour to yourself a week. Just having a bit of time to yourself can help with relaxing and de-stressing.

• Prepare for competitions/rehearsals/exams in advance. In other words, don't pack the night before, pack a few days before so that you know you have everything you need.

Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful. Make sure to leave requests/advice/questions in the comments!


QOTC: Do you think that you're a good dancer?

AOTC: Yeah, I suppose. (All my friends say I'm 'AMAZING'. Idk)

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