~How to be the Best Dancer you can be~

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Hello there. I am sorry this wasn't published before the last chapter, but I got stuck, and I felt bad for not publishing anything for like ever. K promise you I will get back into the swing of things soon.

In this chapter I will tell you how you can be the best dancer you can be, which will require lots of hard work, dedication and a good work ethic.

• If you feel like giving up, remember why you started. Was it because you wanted to become a pretty ballerina, was it because you felt like doing something productive? Why has dance stuck? It stuck with me because it gave me the freedom to be who I wanted and express myself without saying any words. I feel incredible every time I dance. Stepping onto any stage is a high for me, and gives me a rush of adrenaline. So why did it stick with you? Comment an inline comment to tell me.

• Keep a dance journal in your dance bag, with a pen of course. This way, you can write down any critiques and corrections your teachers give you in class, and you can look back over them to remember them and fix them ASAP. This has helped me with my dancing a lot, and even if the corrections are something silly like a beat behind on (insert step here), write it down, this will help you to remember these things and not make the mistake on stage.

• Practise regularly. Yes, at home. If you want to improve in your dancing, practice your routines and fix the corrections, add facials etc. remember how I said this would take effort? Well, yeah, this is the effort part. Girls like Sophia Lucia, Maddie Ziegler, Ashi Ross and Autie Miller train and practise heaps, which is why they are so good at what they do.

• STRETCH!!! Get up off your butt and stretch. Stretch every morning, or night for at least an hour, and make sure to hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. I'm planning on doing more chapters on stretching, so don't you worry, dear child.

• Eat the right foods. Yep, you heard me, eat the right foods, so no pizza for dinner on a regular basis. A dancer can't perform at his or her best if they are eating crap all day. I'm sorry, but it's true. See my chapter on being healthy for more information.

• Don't be a spoiled brat. If your team doesn't win at a Comp, don't throw a tantrum, clap for them, and if you see them later on, congratulate them on their success, not only will it make you feel better, but you look like a better person.

• Don't give up. You can't expect to get an aerial overnight. I didn't get my front walkover by sitting on my behind all day looking at videos of people doing said walkover then just getting up and doing if suddenly. I'm sorry, but it doesn't work like that. You need to have a good work ethic and work hard towards your goals and dreams. If you have to, make a goals chart or page in your dance journal and write down what you want to achieve in this year with dance. If you don't achieve something, add it to your next years list. There will be a period of time where you see yourself improving drastically over a relatively short period of time. Most of my friends and myself had this happen to us recently. I have improved A LOT over the past three years, and I continue to improve. Three/four years ago, I was an awkward, clumsy dancer who tripped over all the time, on stage and everything, I had awkward arms, leaps, etc, and my technique wasn't that great. Yeah, I do fall over every now and again, but I've worked harder than I ever have before to get more control over my muscles, improve my turns, leaps, kicks, technique, etc, and that's what you need to do, or you won't improve much at all. You need to believe in what you can do, which is everything if you set your mind and heart to it. I believe in you, and I am prepared to give you a thousand inspiring speeches on believing in yourself to make you believe that anything is possible if you want it to happen. If you can't get something straight away, take a break and then come back to it later. Just don't give up, okay? Okay.

(Tfios reference...lol sorry not sorry)


Okay. That's about all. Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment any ideas you have or requests or complaints or yeah. Just comment, ok.

I love youuuuuu to the moon and back!

Emmy xoxoxoxoxox

QOTC: Shoukd I make a chapter on how to make a Dance Journal?

AOTC: idk about you, but I think it's a pretty cool idea......

Ok bye.

Comment 'llamas' if you read to here.

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