~Dancer Problems~

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Hey, this is just a silly little chapter that I decided to do.

It involves the problems us dancers have in non-dance life. And dance life.

Before we begin, you guys should go follow Life_of2_Dancers . Their books are amazing!

When you can't resist the urge to do grande jetés, chainés, second leaps, and assorted tricks down empty aisles in shops.

Bad turning days.

When you land a turn set.
And nobody sees.

When people say dance is not a sport....

When your non-dancer friends don't understand the struggles of pointe.

When you can't walk for 3 days straight after your first class of the season.

Bobby pins are everywhere in your house, your school bag, handbag, dance bag, the car, and in your bed, but you can't find any when you actually need them.

when people say ballet is easy.

You can't help but choreograph routines to every single song you hear, no matter how bad or annoying it is.

You don't get why you need to do maths, because you only need to count to eight.

You spend hours perfecting your feet, not your face.

You own 25 pairs of shoes, and 20 of them are for dance.

Half of your closet is leotards, tights and assorted costumes.

You have a permanent crease in your hair from ponytails and buns.

"I danced to this song!"

The smell of your dance bag could take out a room of people.

I can't. I have dance.

The crazy looks you get when going out in public in your stage makeup.

"Now repeat the combination in reverse."

One more time, it's always a lie.


Seeing a non-dancers feet and being jealous.

"Where did that bruise come from?"

when you get a run in your only good stockings the day before a competition.

"Now hold it."

When you kick yourself while doing a battement.

When you can dance all day, but can't run for two minutes without collapsing.

When someone takes your spot at the barre.

When your non-dancer friends think you are talking about the bar you drink at, not the barre.

Watching your self dance on video.

That one person in your class who says they can't do something, then does it perfectly.

Doing a grande plié and everything cracks.

When people think the ribbons of pointe shoes tie all the way up to our knees, and we wear pretty pink tutus to class and all we do is twirl around in circles with our arms in fifth position. How about no.

Having to pee before going on stage.

Itchy costumes.

When your non-dancer friends don't understand how you get changed so quickly.

When your non-dancer friends get freaked out by your flexibility.

"I can see your undies through your leotard."

When you can't roll your stockings up properly and they make your legs look weird.

Convertible stockings in general.

Younger dancers who are better than you.


You talk to people though the mirror.

"Repeat on the left."

"I told you before, I have dance."

Forgetting your dance five seconds before going on stage.

Getting weird looks when you tap in public.

Ugly costumes.

No one takes you seriously when you say you want to be a professional dancer.

"Dance is for wimps."

When you wash your hair ten times and there is still hairspray in it.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote, comment, etc.


QOTC: Can you relate to these?

AOTC: Yes.

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