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Hello everybody. My name is Emmy, and today we are going to be talking about the wonderfullnes of splits, oversplits and mooorree.

Yes. Splits. Right. Lets get started...

• Keep your legs straight at all times
• Keep your hips square to the wall you're facing.
• Keep your weight in the centre. If your hips are square this shouldn't be a problem.
• Please do not do what my cousin (the same one I mentioned in the leg hold chapter 😐) does and lean to one side, causing your legs to slide out to the opposite side, making them turn in and...just don't.

• Stretch everyday or as often as you can. The main muscles to stretch are your hamstrings and hip flexors, so do like stretches, lunges with your knee on the floor, trying to get your hip flat to the floor (will explain later on), and other stretchy stretches. (?)

• Pike stretches for your hamstrings (and lower back).
• Now for lunges... Go into a lunge, making sure your knee is in a 90 degree angle to your ankle, and place your knee on the floor, now try to press the hip of the leg with the knee on the floor all the way to the floor. (don't stretch it to much or you could hurt yourself)
• Straddle (for middle splits)

This chapter feels so rushed, but I have to go to bed soon and I didn't have much time. These aren't the only stretches you can do for splits, and I will do a more detailed chapter later when I have more time. Btw, these stretches are just off the top of my head, so yeah...

Anyway, don't forget to do the usual and vote, comment any requests, ideas, etc and follow moi for more awesomeness...

Shameless self promotion 💁🏼

I love you!

Xx Emmy xX

QOTC: What did you guys do today?

AOTC: I went to school, then Southern Stars rehearsal (which is during sport time at school, so 2 hours every Thursday), then I went to Classic Moves to buy new jazz shoes, knee pads and a leotard. I then came home and wrote the last chapter, then I cooked dinner, then I ate dinner, then I went shopping, then I came home and wrote this chapter and now I'm off to bed.

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