~How to Stay Healthy~

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Hello again. It has been awhile, but I am back! Btw, Sophia is amazing. She is dance goals. (Seriously, too flexible. Jk, I wish I was as flexible as her, I mean, look at that picture and tell me she isn't actual goals. Perfection.)

As dancers, it is important to stay healthy so we have enough energy for performances, class and everyday life, so this chapter is going to tell you what you can do to become healthier.

*Just a little disclaimer, this chapter is about becoming HEALTHIER, as in, having a healthier lifestyle to improve energy, etc, not 'how to be skinny'. So please don't be offended. If you have any concerns feel free to private message me, I am open to any constructive criticism, requests, advice, or if you just want to talk.*

Ok, yes, food is amazing, but eating the RIGHT food is important. Unfortunately, that is not pizza (😭).

DINT STARVE YOURSELF! This is very harmful to your health. It messes up your metabolism and honestly, it's just really bad. Always eat healthy amounts of food. You don't have to be a stick thin model to look beautiful. Don't let society force you to believe this.

Try and eat at least two pieces of fruit a day, then work up to four. You don't want to have too much, but not too little. I usually eat one at school or with breakfast and one before I go to dance.

Avoid the junk food. You can treat yourself to a slice of cake or some ice cream every once in a while, but make sure to steer clear of these foods on a normal day. You can also swap these out for healthier options.

Chips: carrot and celery sticks with hommus
Ice Cream: Greek yoghurt with fruit pieces.
Chocolate: dark chocolate. This is still chocolate, but it's a healthier option.

Healthier foods can cost more than the sugary junk food, but in the long run, it's worth it.

Make your own stuff. No, I don't mean packet mix cakes and cookies, I mean blueberry muffins, banana muffins, Anzac biscuits (if you don't know what these are, they are basically just rolled oats and a bunch of other ingredients. They are delicious. I will make a chapter on a recipe for these plus other healthy foods.), smoothies, etc.

Seriously. Just do it.

Don't drink fizzy drink. It may be tempting, but don't. Do you know how many chemicals go into those drinks? They also have a lot of sugar in them and they are jut horrible for your health. Opt for homemade lemonade or water instead.

Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

So you may dance at the studio for a loooomg time, but is it really enough? No, it's not. If you find yourself puffed after doing one run through of a dance, do more cardio, to improve this. Also, do some strengthening workouts a couple of times a week, to build up strength in those muscles.

Stretch everyday. Obviously, stretching makes you more flexible, but it also prevents injury, you get an increased circulation of blood to various parts of the body, an increased range of motion in the joints, increased energy levels (from increased circulation), enhanced muscular coordination. So now you have no reason to not stretch, so do it.

Don't give up. If you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place. Also, you are beautiful, so don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Naturally, the haters are gonna hate, but they're just jealous, so ignore them and move on with your life, you have better things to do.

If you would like to talk to me about ANYTHING, not just dance related stuff, I'll be happy to help.

As always, thanks for reading, and vote if this helped you, comment requests, advice, etc. so I can keep writing this book, and follow me for more awesome content (dance and non-dance related stuff).

I love you guys so much. It makes my day when you guys comment and vote and all that. I'd love to see more comments and private messages, though, because I get a little lonely on here at times. If love to be friends with everyone of you that reads my book, except if your a creepy old man posing as a child....then in that case, stop reading this and don't contact me! *insert worried face*

Love you all to infinity and beyond,
Emmy xox

QOTC: Do you guys eat healthy?

AOTC: I do most of the time, but mum doesn't have enough time or money to buy healthy stuff all the time, so I just have to eat what mum buys. Mind you, we don't eat a lot of take away, so it's all good.


Comment 'bananas' if you ready every single word in this chapter.

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