Chapter 5

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They had decided to put me in a cell in the Avengers Tower, so that is where we were heading right now. I tried to remember what way we were going, so if I did escape I could easily find out, but I lost it after we had turned to the left and then right, through a door and now we were in this long corridor. Two men, the same that had taken me in the alley, were taking me to my cell, and the Avengers were walking behind us, making sure I didn't escape. They opened a door to a room called 145. They unchained me, and pushed me inside. I turned around and knocked my hand against the door, then I turned to take a look at the white room I had been placed in. But what I saw made my heart drop.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. The dark brown eyes met mine.

"I'm arrested for helping a criminal escape." A small smile appeared on the man's face.

"Great." I sighed, he nodded and layed back down on the small bed he had. I sat down on the other one. "I'm sorry, I truly am, I should have never gone to you." I said, wiping my face with my hand.

Nathan doesn't answer, but just closes his eyes. I lay back down and close my eyes too, drifting off to sleep. Thank the Gods I didn't have a demigod dream!

Even though I didn't dream of anything, I woke up with a start. It took me a few seconds to realize where I was. I sighed as I sat up, and stretched.

"Goodmorning." Nathan was sitting in the corner of his bed against the wall in the shadows, staring at me. "Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Could have slept better if I had been home.." He nodded, understanding. "Did you get any sleep?" I asked him. He looked down at his hands.

"I couldn't sleep." He said quietly.


"No, I just couldn't sleep." He wouldn't meet my eyes, and just stared at the door. I looked over there too. I could feel them standing out there. The water in their bodies told me there were seven people out there. Probably the Avengers, but I didn't know who the last person would be. I scratched my neck as I stood up, and started pacing. How would I get out of here? I could just use my powers, but since they had been failing me over and over again I didn't think it would be a good idea to try them out. And besides, I didn't want them to know I even had powers. Then they really would start to experiment on me. Or they already knew, and that's why I was called in?

"Any idea why we're in here?" Nathan asked, glancing at me with a worried look in the brown almost black eyes.

"I have no idea, my first thought was my file. I have uh.. well basically if you look through it all it looks like I'm a terrorist." I said annoyedly gesticulated with my arms.

"Oh." I nodded. My attention fell on the white door that opened.

"Hello Perseus Jackson and Nathan McKenzie." The redhead from the bar and fight said. "Nathan if you would willingly follow me." She asked, and Nathan got up and walked out. "You're next Jackson." She said and closed the door after her. I sat back down on the bed with my head in my hands. I start counting seconds, but lose track after a minute or two, instead I focus on the water outside of this room. There is one person standing out there, probably guarding or just observing me. Like an animal is observed. I don't know how long it's been since they took Nathan, but suddenly the door opens and a man with a hammer comes in.

"Come on son of Jack, it is now your turn." He says. I sent him a suspicious glare and got up. I walked out of the door, and the blond longhaired guy followed me out. I remembered the redhead had called him Thor at my bar. He took me to another door and we entered, I got placed in a chair and Thor left the room again, after cuffing me to the table in the small interrogation room. There I sat for what? Five minutes? I didn't count. But the gray door opened and in walked a black man with a black eyepatch. The same dude who took me in and arrested me. I mentally rolled my eyes and put up a neutral face.

"So.. Perseus Achilleus Jackson. Do you know why you're here?" Eyepatch asked.

I didn't answer.

Eyepatch just rolled his eyes. He turned to the one sided window and made some sort of motion with his hand, then the door opened and in walked Thor. "Thor, he's yours." Pirate dude withdrew and stood in the shadows of the room.

"Do you know why you're here Percy?" I stiffened at the name and looked Thor in the eyes.

"It's Jack. Do not use that other name. Please." I said.

"Why do you not use your name, young hero? Why call yourself Jack son of Jack?" I glared at him and he flinched, but kept eye contact.

"Why should I tell you? You kidnapped me, why would you think I would share anything with you guys?" I asked. I could hear the eyepatch dude's frustrated thoughts.

"We didn't kidnap you. You are arrested. There's a difference." Eyepatch dude said.

"Why am I even arrested?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"First of all you ran away when we just wanted to ask you some questions. That was your first mistake. Then you had a chance to just surrender, but you chose to run to one of your minions. Then you started shooting at my agents, and well.. You were on the run." He said, crossing his arms. I raised an eyebrow. I was just defending myself. "And second of all, your record says you're not as innocent as you're saying you are." Okay, they got me. I had done some pretty cool things in my past, but the mist had shown me blowing up schools, volcanoes and I also destroyed the Williamsburg Bridge, and blew up the St. Louis Arch. And I also destroyed Princess Andromeda.

"Well to the first you said, I was defending myself. And my record, well most of the accidents weren't my fault, wrong time wrong place, you know." I said. Pirate dude didn't believe me. Obviously. He dropped it and made Thor walk out again, then he started asking me random questions.

"What is your name?" He asked, leaning in over the table.

"Why, you already know what it is?" I asked him in a 'duh' tone.

"How old are you?"

"How old do you think I am?" I asked him. I could see the fire burning in his eyes and smirked.

"Why do you commit acts of terrorism?" I sighed, when could I leave? Wait. What time was it? I had a reservation at a restaurant at noon. Would I be able to make it? Styx, my date would hate me if I didn't make it! It had taken forever to convince her to go on a date with me.

"Look as I said before, I was at the wrong place at the wrong time." I sighed, tapping my fingers on the cold table.

The man simply just turned around and left through the door. The redhead who had taken Nathan walked in, and told me she would be taking me to my cell. All I could hope was that Nathan was okay and hadn't spilled anything.


I am SO sorry! I meant to update this story December 28th but I forgot and didn't have time to write! And to be honest I kinda forgot about this story and my other two.... Sorryyyyyyyyyy, I hope you can forgive me!

How was your day? Mine was good, I celebrated my little sisters birthday and made some blue pancakes. No one in my family understood why they were blue, except for my little brother who's also a Percy Jackson fan, but he didn't want to eat them because they were blue! Such a faker! 

Anyways, they tasted really good, but I'm afraid to say that Sally's is better. You can't disagree with that. Sally's food is better. Period. The End. (Sorry I was thinking of Chris Evans when I wrote that, you know when he says; "I'm Captain America, Period.")

I hope you had a good start in the New Year, I did:) Let's see what 2022 brings, even though I'm not ready for this year!

Yours faithfully, Riordan_leogreyson <3

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