Chapter 7

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Bruce looked at me with a sad look on his face. I had just told him what first came to my mind. The second word that had come to my mind was traitor.

"Okay, that's enough. I need to do a physical examination on you, since you haven't had one since..." He lifted the paper he was looked at, and his eyes widened. "TWELVE?!" He shouted. "You haven't been checked since you were twelve?" He asked me. I could only nod. I didn't need a so-called 'physical examination'. And he definitely didn't need them all to see his scars.

"Why haven't you been checked in.. six years?" Steve asked, stepping forward.

"Uh, I've been... busy?" I answered, but it sounded more like a question.

"How can you have been bu-"

"Tony. Let Bruce handle this." Steve interrupted Tony, who just frowned.

"And besides, I have had my own private doctor for five years." I said, hoping they would drop it.

"Who?" Bruce asked, everyone waited hesitantly for me to answer.

"Will Solace." I answered, and quickly added."But he's my private doctor, and doesn't live here in New York." Hoping they wouldn't look him up. Bruce nodded, and I was so stupid to let my hopes up. But they slowly fell when Bruce started talking again.

"We still need to do a check up." He said, I tried something I hadn't done for a long time. My baby seals eyes. I had almost got him, when he shook his head. I sighed, as he asked me to take off my shirt so he could listen to my heart.

"No." I said stubbornly for the fifth time.

"Perseu-" Bruce started sighing, clearly annoyed.

"No. I'm not gonna do it." I said again.

"Please just do it, then you can leave this room quicker." Tony said. I shook my head and crossed my arms like a little kid. But I wasn't a kid, Gods I wasn't even a teenager anymore.

Steve's face suddenly lightened up with a smile. "Percy- Jack, we can go get ice cream after." He said, I looked over at him, and judging by his reaction I probably looked excited at him.

"What ice creams?" I asked suspiciously.

"The one down the street. Bailey's" He answered, knowing he had me on the hook. I mentally cursed myself as I slowly lifted my shirt up. But I pulled it back down again when it came up to my belly button.

"First I want everyone, other than Bruce to leave, and all camera's to get turned off." I told them. Hades no, they were not going to see my scarred body! Bruce directed the rest of the Avengers out and told JARVIS to turn the camera's off.

"Now take off your shirt, please." He said. I slowly grabbed the edge of the shirt, and started to pull it off. I laid the shirt next to me, and looked down at the floor. Waiting to hear Bruce's reaction. And just as I had imagined, it came.

"W-what happened?" He asked, holding a hand up, hiding his mouth.

"A lot of people want to kill me. That's what happened." I told him. He slowly started to listen to my heart and test some other stuff.

"You are perfectly fine. You have a rib that has been broken and not healed correctly, the same with your left arm." He told me after he had finished. I nodded, and was allowed to put my shirt back on. Then he followed me back to my cell. Now they just had to decide my fate. Just... like the Fates..

Poseidon's POV:

As I sat on my throne, next to my loud brother a feeling of despair rose over me. A year. A year we had been searching, without any luck. Now a new prophecy had been spoken, and of course it involved him. It always did. I wish he could at least get some peace. But a year away from everything was enough for the Fates. I sighed as my dear and loud brother Zeus brought the six demigod's and oracle into the throne room of Olympus.

"Lord Zeus, why have you brought us here?" Annabeth Chase stepped forward, her gray eyes had a slight glimpse of sadness.

"A new Prophecy has been spoken, Daughter of Athena." He boomed. I closed my eyes, and opened them again seeing Jason Grace stepping forward.

"There has?" He asked. Had they not heard of it?

"If I may interrupt Lord Zeus, my dearest Oracle Rachel Dare hasn't had the chance to speak the great Prophecy to them yet." Apollo interrupted.

"They haven't heard of it?" Zeus asked. Apollo and Rachel shook their heads. "Then we shall hear the Prophecy." He made a stool appear, and Rachel sat down, green smoke already coming out of her mouth, her eyes glowing green. I sat up straight, listening well to the words once again.

"The lost hero once back lost

powers will grow

heartbroken and lost the hero will be crossed

and to snow

the lost will bow"

Rachel Elizabeth Dare fell back, Apollo grabbing her, and dragging her off to the side, before sitting on his throne once again.

"'The lost hero once back lost'?" Annabeth Chase looked puzzled.

"Who could the lost one be? And what do they mean by 'And to snow the lost will bow'?" Piper wondered.

"We do not know, but you six are hereby on the quest to find this so-called Lost Hero, and bring him back, facing whatever comes." Zeus boom. I sighed, and spinned my trident around. "Poseidon, do you have any ideas who it could be?" Zeus asked. I shook my head, I had no idea. I looked down at the six demigods, and my heart felt like it shattered once again like it had done a million times this past year.

"If you will excuse me, I will return to the Oceans now." I muttered and flashed out of the throne room.


I promised myself to only write in Percy's point of view, but I felt like it was necessary to write it from someone elses POV, and that someone became Poseidon. This is probably the last time I write in someone else's POV in this story than Percy.

You're lucky, two updates almost on the same day. The time is 00:07 so... almost the same day as I posted Chapter 6:))

Your dearest,


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