Chapter 16

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Someone knocked on my door, and Piper's head popped in.

"Hey..." She said, awkwardly. She looked down and stepped in, closing the door behind her. "I'm sorry about Annabeth.. it's been hard for her, ever since you left.." She apologized.

I snorted. "Yeah right. She fucking hates me Piper. She yells at me for not sharing some information with her. I didn't fucking tell her about it, because I knew how she would react!" I yelled, and sighed. I feel like I'm yelling all the time.

"I'm sorry Percy, I-" Piper walked over to me and sat down beside me on the bed.

"No!" I said, and stood up, looking down at her. "I don't want your sympathy! If you'd actually cared, you wouldn't have betrayed me! And don't call me Percy." I waved my arms around in anger. "It's Jack to you, and everyone else." I said. She looked up at me, with a hurt look in her eyes. And was it... guilt I saw in them? No. It couldn't be. My brain was just messing with me.

"Per- Jack, we're sorry okay? We didn't want to betray you. We were controlled by eidolons! We... we're sorry. I am sorry." Her voice was just a whisper, and her kaleidoscopic eyes were filled with tears. My body suddenly relaxed. Possessed by eidolons? Eidolons? The ones that once possessed Jason, Leo and I? Had they already reformed and come back from Tar- the Pit?

"You were possessed?" I asked, my anger gone.

"Yes, the Gods too, I don't know how, but they were somehow.." She said. "We're sorry, we all are." She cried. I sighed. She was making me feel bad, she probably didn't attend to do it, but she made me feel bad.

"Piper I- I can't just forgive you all. I killed Luke, I gave him the knife. I failed you all. I woke up Gaea, I was the one who wasn't good enough to save Leo before he died. Of course he came back, but still.. I wasn't fast enough. Hades I didn't even check if the Gods kept their promise on freeing Calypso. I'm the worst human alive." Before I knew of it, Piper had jumped up and hugged me. I was too shocked to hug back, but then I wrapped my arms around her too.

"P-Jack, don't say that. You're an amazing person. I'm sorry for betraying you and blaming you. I'm sorry that we left you when you needed us the most. " She whispered to me. I closed my eyes and hugged her tighter. Gods I had missed her. I had missed them all..

"So, what are we gonna do?" Steve asked, and leaned forward with his arms on his knees.

"We fight, of course." Tony stated.

"No, you can't. This is our fight, and we don't want mortals to fight." Annabeth said, and leaned back with her arms crossed and a determined look in her gray eyes.

"Why not?" Natasha asked.

"Because we don't want mortals to fight our fights, and there's a high chance you might die." Annabeth said.

"So? We fight bad guys all the time, I'm sure Deimos is no big deal." Tony said and poured himself a drink. "Drink?" He asked, and looked at me. I took the glass, and Tony poured another drink, this time for himself. I took a sip from it, and closed my eyes quickly. I loved the taste of whiskey. It gave me a sort of calmness over me.

"Annabeth, we need all the people we can get." Jason said and the rest of the Seven agreed. "You guys up for a fight?"

"Yes!" Tony shouted excited, the Avengers laughed at his outburst, and said they'd all fight. Then they turned to me. I placed the empty glass on the coffee table.

"Are you gonna fight? The prophecy is about you." Annabeth asked. I looked into her gray eyes, and knew my answer immediately.

"No." I said, and leaned back into the armchair.

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